We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

2023 19 September – Police JIAC

NORTH YORKSHIRE POLICE – Joint Independent Audit Committee

  • Meeting to be held at 15:00 19 September 2023
  • Haigh meeting room
  • Hybrid


No.                         Item title and Purpose Lead
1. Attendance and Apologies Chair
For noting: Attendance and apologies, apologies received from:
2. Declaration of Interest Chair
For noting: Any declarations of interest relating to specific agenda items or committee terms which members need to raise.
3. Minutes and actions of previous meeting Chair
For approval: Members are asked to review and agree the draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th June 2023
4. Matters arising Chair
For noting: Awareness for members of any matters in relation to the previous agenda/minutes which have occurred since the last meeting
5. Exhibits Audit – Management Updates FW
6. Internal Audit Reports and Plan Progress RSM
For discussion: Members are asked to review the reports and sector briefing and provide feedback and observations to support further assurance and next steps
Progress Report
Sector updates
7. External Audit updates
Update from the External Auditor Mazars
8. Audit Recommendations Tracker DS
For information / discussion: Members are asked to review the summary information and provide feedback or observations and to identify if further assurance is required
9. JIAC Annual Report MP /Chair
10. JIAC Planner DS
11. HMICFRS Reports & Recommendations Tracker DS
For information / discussion: Members are asked to review the summary information and provide feedback or observations and to identify if further assurance is required
12. Risk Register and Business Continuity Overview DS
For information / discussion: Members are asked to review the overview and provide feedback or observations and to identify if further assurance is required
13. Civil Claims Overview MP
For information: Members are asked to review the overview and provide feedback or observations and to identify if further assurance is required
14. Information Assurance Report
Dates of future meetings Chair
15. 19th March 2024
18th June 2024

The next meeting of the JIAC will take place at 15:00 on 30th November 2023 in the Haigh Meeting Room, 1st Floor Alverton Court

Meeting papers