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2020/21 Police precept

North Yorkshire’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is responsible for setting the local police ‘precept’ – the amount people pay through their council tax for policing.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has set the Band D Police Element of the Council Tax within North Yorkshire for 2020/21 at £265.77.

This is an increase of £10 per year, or 3.91% over the 2019/20 level. 

Your contribution through your council tax 2020/21

Property Band 2019/20 2020/21 Increase per year Increase per week
A £170.51 £177.18 £6.67 13p
B £198.93 £206.71 £7.78 15p
C £227.35 £236.24 £8.89 17p
D £255.77 £265.77 £10.00 19p
E £312.61 £324.83 £12.22 23p
F £369.45 £383.89 £14.44 28p
G £426.28 £442.95 £16.67 32p
H £511.54 £531.54 £20.00 38p

Income and expenditure

Funding for the police

2019/20 2020/21
Funding from Government £69.2m £74.4m
Council tax precept – your contribution £77.3m £81.1m
Council tax grants £7.9m £7.9m
Specific grants £4.1m £5.9m
Fees, Charges and Partnerships £8.1m £8.0m
Total funding £166.6m £177.2m

Police budget breakdown

2019/20 2020/21
Police officers £78.0m £85.3m
Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) £6.7m £7.6m
Police staff £35.2m £37.0m
Policing priorities fund £6.0m £3.5m
Buildings and transport £7.2m £6.9m
Supplies and services £22.8m £23.7m
Other spend * £9.7m £12.0m
Office of the PFCC £1.1m £1.2m
Total spending plan £166.6m £177.2m

* This includes Community Safety Funding and Commissioned Services, Police Officer Medical and Injury Pensions, Cost of Capital and Use of Reserves.

Precept leaflet

Precept leaflet

Download the 2020 – 2021 Precept leaflet

Correspondence with the Police Fire and Crime Panel

Police precept consultation results and proposal: