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2015/16 Police precept

Council Tax 2015/16

North Yorkshire is one of the safest places in England, so despite budget reductions, the police are continuing to do a good job in protecting our communities.

You have clearly told your Police and Crime Commissioner, Julia Mulligan, that you value the work done by the police and are prepared to pay, on average, an additional 8p a week to help fund the service. This money will also help the police meet the priorities we set together in the Police and Crime Plan.




Proposal to Police and crime panel

On 5 February 2015, Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, formally put forward her proposal to raise the police precept by 1.99% to North Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Panel.  The Panel accepted the proposal, voting unanimously in favour.

Following a 20 day consultation, almost 65% of over 1,500 North Yorkshire residents voted in favour of a precept increase of 1.99%.   33% voted in favour of freezing the precept.


A 1.99% increase would equate to 8p a week for the average Band D home, or £4.15 extra per year.  Across the whole county an increase in the policing tax will raise about £1.2 million.

Police funding in North Yorkshire is in a relatively good state. With about 55% of funding coming from the government and 45% locally and from other places, reductions in funding from government has less effect than it does elsewhere in the country.

Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, said, “I welcome the Panel’s backing for the 8p a week precept increase, and it was clear from the consultation that the public are happy to pay more for policing.” 

“Importantly, and for the first time, Commissioners give residents a voice in how that money is spent. For example, the £10m investment I approved for technology and mobile working will mean police officers will be spending more time out on the beat, something I know is important to communities up and down the county.” 

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those members who are retiring from the Panel for their constructive and helpful dialogue.”

Decision notice: 27/2014: Precept Proposal for 2015/16 to the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel