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Invitations to tender, with a value exceeding £10,000

All Police and Crime Commissioners are required to publish a copy of all invitations to tender for a contracts which have expected values in-excess of £10,000, to which the Commissioner or the Chief Constable is a party.

Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner – Invitations to tender



North Yorkshire Police – Invitations to tender

The Bluelight Procurement Database (BLPD) is an online information hub aimed at improving visibility and access to contract and procurement information for buyers within the Emergency Services in the United Kingdom.

In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, this website acts as a search facility enabling anyone to search and find a list of awarded contracts for each member Authority.

Visit the ‘Bluelight’ Emergency Services eTendering Site

All invitations to tender with a value exceeding £10,000 but are less than £50,000 will become available as soon as possible after publication in accordance with the Specified Information Order.


Updated 14 June 2021

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