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#16Days of Action – Supporting women and girls

We're showcasing services Commissioner Zoe commissions to support women and girls

Commissioner Zoë talks about the services in North Yorkshire and York to support women and girls

For the Violence Against Women and Girls 16 days of Action, Commissioner Zoë showcases six services she commissions to support women and girls in North Yorkshire and York. #16Days #VAWG #EnoughIsEnough

If you have been a victim of crime and need help to cope and recover, contact:

Supporting Victims

IDAS – Charlotte’s story – Charlotte was a victim of a domestic violent relationship and needed help

Charlotte talks about her experience and how IDAS helped her to cope and recover.

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Service

Find out how the Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) service, provided by IDAS – (Independent Domestic Abuse Services) supports women and girls in North Yorkshire & York.

IDAS Safe lives, free from abuse and violence

IDAS is the largest specialist charity in the North supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Sexual Assault Referral Centre – We listen. We hear.

Free support and practical help is available to anyone in North Yorkshire who has ​experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse.

We are here to help regardless of when the abuse happened. You will need an appointment before coming to the Centre. To book your appointment please:

Our team can normally arrange for you to visit within 24-48 hours, so you won’t have to wait long.

Survive – Rebuilding lives after sexual violence

Survive will listen to you.

It’s tough to talk about sexual trauma.

As a survivor, you can start your journey now to manage your trauma.

Survive offers you appointments either face to face, online or on the telephone.

Independent Domestic Violence Advisor Service

IDAS Safe lives, free from abuse and violence

IDAS is the largest specialist charity in the North supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Women’s Centre

The Women’s Centre supports all women in a safe, woman only environment.

If you have been a victim of crime and need help to cope and recover, contact:

Supporting Victims

Crossroads Diversion Scheme

The Crossroads Diversion Scheme offers a trauma-informed scheme intended to address underlying causes of offending, by offering support to individuals that are at risk of entering the criminal justice system or those who may already be involved with the criminal justice system.

White Ribbon Day 2023: A promise from Commissioner Zoë and her team

Sat around a table, Simon Dennis, Zoe Metcalfe and Jenni Newberry review the VAWG Strategy.

27 November 2023

Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe and her team at the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner are a White Ribbon supporter organisation, making a promise to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against Women and Girls.  

White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls (VAWG), with a mission to prevent violence against women and girls by addressing its root causes.

By supporting this mission, Commissioner Zoë and her office have committed to raise awareness of the long established and harmful attitudes, systems and behaviours around masculinity that perpetuate gender inequality, encourage people to make the White Ribbon Promise, and help to prevent violence against women and girls before it starts – all of which aligns with the priorities outlined in her own partnership VAWG strategy published earlier this year.

Commissioner Zoë said:

“I am proud that our organisation now officially supports the work of White Ribbon UK and is part of a national approach to tackle men’s violence against women and girls. This naturally aligns with the work we are already doing locally, which focuses on listening and engaging with women, tackling root causes of violence, increasing public confidence in local police, strengthening our multi-agency approach to address VAWG, enhancing support services for victims and facilitating behaviour change for perpetrators.

“Whilst my team are making an official White Ribbon Commitment on White Ribbon Day, it’s important to highlight that the work my office do to address violence against women and girls continues 365 days a year.”

As part of the official commitment, a male leader within the organisation is encouraged to become a White Ribbon Ambassador and Simon Dennis, Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer at the Commissioner’s Office has taken on this role. 

Simon said:

“As a male leader within the Commissioner’s Office, I see it as my personal responsibility both inside and outside work, to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among men and boys and to promote a culture of equality, inclusivity and respect. I became a White Ribbon Ambassador in 2018 whilst leading a neighbouring Commissioner’s Office and I am delighted to be renewing my accreditation in my role as North Yorkshire Chief Executive.”

Monday 27 November 2023
Staff at the office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner promise to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against Women and Girls.

Screenshot - Team members all with White Ribbon

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