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Showing 15 results filtered by 'Governance'.

Annual report 2017 – 2018

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The year saw North Yorkshire remain the safest place in England, as well as the Police force being assessed as ‘good’ by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary. The roll-out of a transformational mobile working programme, to allow officers to spend more time in communities rather than filling in forms at a police station, was also […]

Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel – Annual Report 2014 – 2015

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The first Annual Report of the scrutiny panel has now been published. Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, set up the Out of Court Disposals Scrutiny Panel to independently scrutinise the use of Out of Court Disposals in response to public concerns about their appropriate use.  The role of the Panel is […]

Police and Crime Plan 2013 – 2016

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This is the Police and Crime Plan for the period 2013 – 2016. In October and November 2016 Julia carried out a series of consultations to gather feedback to help her mould the next plan. Find out more about the consultation – Your community – Your say Nearly 18 months since the first Police and Crime Plan […]

Police and Crime Plan 2017 – 2021

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This plan sets out a shared vision for North Yorkshire’s police service and charts our journey towards our destination.

Working Better Together Consultation Report

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The Policing and Crime Act 2017 makes provision for local assessments by PCCs as to the most effective governance model for their local Fire and Rescue Service, giving them the ability to present a local business case to the Home Secretary where they perceive that a change would generate improvements in economy, efficiency and effectiveness, or public safety.