We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority


Public Consultation on Fire and Rescue Service and Police Collaboration

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The Policing and Crime Bill that is currently progressing through Parliament will provide a legal duty for emergency services to collaborate. As such it also provides the opportunity for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) to replace Fire Authorities and take responsibility for Fire and Rescue Services in their area. This has led the PCC for […]

Victim Needs Assessment – 2014

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The Victims Needs Assessment was an evaluation of victims needs across North Yorkshire. The assessment drew upon victims views of current victim support services, it evaluated existing services and identified wider good practice; it highlighted gaps and improvements that could be made. It undertook an analysis of the potential demand for these services based on […]

Working Better Together Consultation Report

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The Policing and Crime Act 2017 makes provision for local assessments by PCCs as to the most effective governance model for their local Fire and Rescue Service, giving them the ability to present a local business case to the Home Secretary where they perceive that a change would generate improvements in economy, efficiency and effectiveness, or public safety.