Appointment of Members
Author: Will Naylor | Status: Draft |
Reviewer: Fraser Sampson | Version: 0.4 |
Decision maker: Julia Mulligan and Dave Jones | Date: May 2017 |
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner North Yorkshire
Appointment of Independent Members to the Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC)
On this page
- 1 – General Background
- 2 – Proposed new Terms of Reference for the JIAC
- 3 – Skills and Experience of Chair and Members
- 4 – Appointment Procedures
- 5 – Training
- 6 – Prerequisites of Appointment
- 7 – Current Position and recruitment – Chair and Members
- 8 – Honoraria
- 9 – Expenses
- 10 – Recommendations
- Appendix A – Current JIAC Terms of Reference
- Appendix B – Appointment specification
- Appendix C – Appointment specification
- Appendix D – Advert for Chair and/or Member(s) of Joint Independent Audit Committee
1 – General Background
The Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC) supports the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire to discharge their responsibilities by providing independent assurance on the adequacy of their corporate governance, risk management arrangements and the associated control environments and the integrity of financial statements and reporting.
1.2 The main duties of the JIAC are to oversee:
- Corporate governance, risk management, internal control and the regulatory framework
- External financial reporting
- Internal audit
- External audit
- Other assurance functions
- Counter fraud
1.3 The JIAC is authorised by the Commissioner and Chief Constable to:
- Investigate any activity within its terms of reference
- Seek any information it requires from any employee
- Obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice
- Secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary
- Undertake training of its new members as required
1.4 Whilst undertaking a general review and refresh of governance arrangements of North Yorkshire Police, the Acting Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Constable also assessed the efficiency and effectiveness of the JIAC. At the same time, the Commissioner undertook discussions with current and past members of the JIAC. As a result of this work, a small number of risks have been highlighted, identified in partnership by the Commissioner, Chair and members of the JIAC. Following those risks being identified, the below action is proposed:
- The JIAC Terms of Reference are refreshed in light of the above feedback
- All posts, including Chair, are re-advertised, with a four-year maximum term implemented, or shorter if significant governance changes are required.
- Honorarium for the Chair of £1,500 per year, paid in £375 quarterly instalments, plus expenses.
- Support and administration of the JIAC is formally reviewed and improved
That JIACs recent review of its own effectiveness is revisited and progressed as necessary with a timeframe that spans the current and following administration of the PCC.
2 – Proposed new Terms of Reference for the JIAC
Composition of the JIAC
That the JIAC comprises 5 members, including 1 Chair, who are independent of the Office of the Commissioner (OPCC) and North Yorkshire Police. The length of each appointment will be confirmed on recruitment, but will be between 2 and 4 years, with a maximum term of four years.
The following will also attend every ordinary meeting of JIAC:
- Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer
- An operational member of the Chief Officer Team
- Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer
- Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
- External Auditor (maximum x2)
- Internal Auditor (maximum x2)
- Secretarial and business support (maximum x2)
Other attendees and be confirmed by the Chair as and when required.
Quorum of the JIAC
No decisions can be made at the meeting of the JIAC unless at least 3 Members of the JIAC are present, including the Chair.
Press and Public
The Public shall be admitted to all meetings of the JIAC unless excluded by resolution in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 (Schedule 12a), as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.
A member of the public will not be permitted to speak or ask questions at the meeting except with the consent of the meeting chair.
Exclusion of Public Access
The public must be excluded from meetings whenever it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that confidential information would be disclosed.
Confidential information means information given to the Commissioner or Chief Constable by a Government Department on terms which forbid its public disclosure or information which cannot be publicly disclosed by Court Order.
Items will be considered ‘Below the Line’ or ‘not for publication’ when they contain exempt information as defined by schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Individual members of the public may be excluded at the discretion of the meeting chair on the basis of maintaining good order.
The JIAC is responsible for enhancing public trust and confidence in the governance of the OPCC and North Yorkshire Police. It also assists the Commissioner in discharging statutory responsibilities in holding the Police Force to account, and ensures that effective governance and risk management arrangements are in place and functioning efficiently and effectively This is achieved by;
- Advising the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police according to good governance principles
- Independently scrutinising financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the OPCC and North Yorkshire Police exposure to risks and weakens the internal control environment
- Providing independent assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the OPCC and North Yorkshire Police internal control environment and risk management framework.
- Overseeing the effectiveness of the framework in place for ensuring compliance with statutory requirements (and in particular those in respect of health and safety and equalities and diversity.)
- Overseeing governance and monitoring of governance within the organisation.
- Overseeing the financial reporting process
To aid the JIAC in delivering its purpose and objectives the Commissioner will make available funds for the JIAC to take independent legal and financial advice where the JIAC deems it is reasonably necessary to do so. Where the JIAC deems this advice is necessary it should be discussed and coordinated with the Commissioner’s Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officers of the Commissioner and Chief Constable.
The JIAC meets at least four times a year (likely to be March, June, September, December, although these will be agreed at the end of each financial year for the forthcoming year) and in effectively discharging its function is responsible for:
Internal Control Environment
- Satisfying itself as to the effectiveness of the internal control framework in operation within the Office of the Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police and advising the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police as appropriate.
- Considering the Annual Governance Statement for publication with the annual accounts, together with associated action plans for addressing areas of improvement and advising the Commissioner as appropriate.
Corporate Risk Management
- Approving the Commissioner’s and North Yorkshire Police’s corporate risk management strategy and framework; ensuring that an appropriate framework is in place for assessing and managing key risks to the Office of the Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police.
- Considering the financial risks to which the Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police are exposed and approving measures to treat, tolerate, transfer or terminate them as appropriate.
- Providing assurance to the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police as appropriate on the effectiveness of the risk management framework in operation.
- Providing oversight and scrutiny of the risk registers of both the Commissioner and Chief Constable
Regulatory Framework
- Maintain an overview of the governance framework in respect of contract procedure rules, financial regulations and codes of conduct and behaviour.
- Review any issue referred to it by the statutory officers of the Commissioner and Chief Constable and make recommendations as appropriate.
- Monitor the policies of both the Commissioner and Chief Constable on the making of protected disclosures (whistleblowing) and any anti-fraud & anti-corruption strategy.
Internal Audit
- Advising the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police on the appropriate arrangements for internal audit, the appointment of the Internal Auditors and approving the Internal Audit Strategy.
- Approving the internal audit annual programme.
- Overseeing and giving assurance to the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police on the provision of an adequate and effective internal audit service; receiving progress reports on the internal audit work plan and ensuring appropriate action is taken in response to audit findings, particularly in areas of high risk.
- Considering the Internal Audit’s annual findings on the internal control environment for the Office of the Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police; ensuring appropriate action is taken to address any areas for improvement.
- Reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of office of the Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police on fraud, irregularity and corruption.
External Audit
- Advising the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police on the appointment of external auditors.
- Approving/recommending on behalf of the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police the external audit programme and associated fees
- Reviewing the external auditor’s Annual Completion Report and any other reports; reporting on these to the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police as appropriate and including progress on the implementation of agreed recommendations.
- Reviewing External Auditor’s Annual Audit Letter and making recommendations as appropriate to the Commissioner and Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police.
Financial Reporting
- Reviewing the Annual Statement of Accounts and make recommendations, or bring to the attention of the Commissioner or Chief Constable, any concerns or issues.
- Considering whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed and any changes to them.
Inspection and Review
- Considering HMIC, external review agencies and any internal inspection reports that provide assurance on the internal control environment and/or may highlight governance issues for the Office of the Commissioner and/or North Yorkshire Police.
Civil Claims
- Maintaining an overview of civil claims and other legal proceedings affecting or revealing matters of good governance.
Information Governance
- Reviewing Corporate Strategy, policies and procedures in relation to Information Governance for both the Commissioner and Chief Constable.
- Reviewing reports from the Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO), of both the Commissioner and Chief Constable, relating to the implementation of the corporate strategy, compliance with the legal framework regulating data protection and other information governance.
- Considering any implications for governance and the annual governance statements of both the Commissioner and Chief Constable from issues in this area.
3 – Skills and Experience of Chair and Members
A position description and member specification for Chair and members of the JIAC are attached at Appendix B and C.
It is the responsibility of the Chair to keep the skills and experience of the members under review, and suggest further recruitment or training as appropriate
All members of the JIAC must be vetted to the required level, and that vetting is to be kept up to date in accordance with the vetting policy.
4 – Appointment Procedures
Appointment will be made by the Commissioner and the Chief Constable. All applicants will be subject to the usual HR requirements, including attending interview.
Appointment to the role will be based upon the principles set out in the Code of Practice published by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. The basic principles are that appointments be made in merit by an objective, fair and open selection process.
5 – Training
The Commissioner will consider the training needs of the Chair and members to ensure they have the confidence to bring the required degree of independence to the role. Such training will cover diversity issues and other areas such as:
- Local policies and practice
- Familiarisation visits to North Yorkshire police and OPCC premises.
- Attendance as an observer at JIAC Meetings, and other relevant meetings
- Meeting with appropriate ‘Heads of Department’ to better understand governance processes at North Yorkshire Police
- Attendance on prescribed courses as and when they are available
6 – Prerequisites of Appointment
The Chair and members of JIAC must be at least eighteen years of age. Appointment length will be detailed in the appointment letter.
The role of member is a voluntary independent appointment and not a job. Neither the Chair nor members are employees of either the Commissioner or the Chief Constable. The Chair will however receive an honorarium in view of their specific role.
Members must live or work in the North Yorkshire area and be able to attend meetings at the Commissioner’s office in Harrogate or Police Headquarters (Newby Wiske and subsequently Northallerton) during the working day.
The Chair should be able to volunteer between 12-16 days per year, and members 8-12, which includes meeting preparation and reading time.
7 – Current Position and recruitment – Chair and Members
At the present time, three people are appointed to JIAC in North Yorkshire, a Chair and two members. The required number of members in the new Terms of Reference is five, including the Chair. There is therefore an immediate need for two further members to be appointed.
Notwithstanding the above position, it is proposed that all current members, including the Chair, have their appointments terminated and be invited to re-apply, should they so wish, under the new Terms of Reference and appointment specifications. This is specifically necessary in the case of the Chair given the proposed changes in honoraria. Should this be agreed, recruitment of five new members, including a Chair, will need to be urgently undertaken.
8 – Honoraria
Members of JIAC in North Yorkshire will be vountary roles, but members will receive reimbursement of their reasonable expenses in line with the JIAC expenses policy at 9.1 in this Terms of Reference
Given the Chair’s particular role in the management and effectiveness of the JIAC, it is considered that an honorarium of £1,500, to be paid in quarterly £375 instalments, is appropriate.
9 – Expenses
Expenses incurred as a result of carrying out the role will be reimbursed as per the following schedule. Home Office and Commissioner expenses rates are:
- Rail travel standard class.
- Taxi – actual receipted expenditure.
- Subsistence costs incurred will be reimbursed if away from home or normal place of work for more than 5 hours and less than 10 hours up to a maximum of £4.25 per day and more than 10 hours up to a maximum of £9.30 per day.
- Expenses for travel within the area covered by North Yorkshire OPCC for both public transport and mileage. Claims will be reimbursed on production of receipts.
- Mileage will be claimed at the same rates set by HMRC i.e. First 10,000 miles in the tax year – cars and vans 45p, motorcycles 24p and bicycles 20p.
- Telephone calls over £5.00 will be reimbursed when evidence of the call can be provided.
- Parking at a suitable (medium or long term) car park will be reimbursed for attendance at a hearing on submission of a receipt.
- Photocopying and post costs over £5.00 may be reclaimed.
- We will not normally pay for overnight accommodation. If required it should be arranged in advance with the OPCC.
10 – Recommendations
To agree the contents of this paper including Terms of Reference and procedures.
To engage with the current Chair and Members on the proposals within this paper.
To confirm and agree the honoraria and expenses that will be paid to the Chair and Members.
To agree the job descriptions and person specification for the Chair and Members.
To agree the wording for future adverts for recruitment of members, and to recruit as many new members as required as quickly as practicable.
Appendix A – Current JIAC Terms of Reference
Corporate Governance and Regulatory Framework
- To support the Police and Crime Commissioner, Chief Constable and statutory officers in ensuring that effective governance are in place and functioning efficiently and effectively, and making any recommendations for improvement.
- To review any issue referred to it by the statutory officers of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable and make recommendations as appropriate
- To monitor the effective development and operation of risk management and make recommendations as appropriate
- To make recommendations for any improvements to the arrangements and policies in place in relation to “Raising concerns at work”, anti-fraud and corruption strategies and complaints processes, in light of its experience.
- To review its own effectiveness on an annual basis.
Internal and External Audit
To consider and make recommendations as appropriate on:
- The internal audit strategy and annual plan, and make recommendations as appropriate.
- The head of internal audit’s annual report and opinion, and a summary of internal audit activity (actual and proposed) and the level of assurance it can give over corporate governance arrangements, and make recommendations as appropriate
- Summaries of internal audit reports, and make recommendations as appropriate.
- Reports dealing with the management and performance of the providers of internal audit services, and make recommendations as appropriate.
- A report from internal audit on agreed recommendations not implemented within a reasonable timescale and make recommendations as appropriate.
- The external auditor’s annual plan, annual audit letter and relevant specific reports as agreed with the external auditor, and make recommendations as appropriate.
Accounts and Finance
- To scrutinise the draft statements of accounts and annual governance statements prior to publication, considering whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed and making any recommendations as appropriate.
Membership and Attendees
The JIAC will comprise of five independent members (one of whom will be the Chair) appointed by the Commissioner and Chief Constable. The duration of each appointment will be for between two to four years.
The JIAC will meet at least four times a year, normally on a quarterly basis.
The following will also attend every ordinary meeting of JIAC:
- Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer
- Deputy Chief Constable
- Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer
- Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
- External Auditor (maximum x2)
- Internal Auditor (maximum x2)
- Secretarial and business support (maximum x2)
There will be no other attendees at an ordinary meeting without the express and prior approval of the Chair, with such approval to be obtained before publication of the meeting agenda where all attendees will be recorded.
The Commissioner and Chief Constable although not members of JIAC may attend the meeting.
Notice of Meeting
At least 10 clear working days before a scheduled meeting of JIAC.
A notice of the date, time and place of the intended meeting and the business proposed to be considered will be published.
An email to attend the meeting specifying the meeting details shall be sent to every member of the JIAC at the address nominated by them.
Admission of Press and Public
All meetings of the JIAC will be open to the press and public subject to the following paragraph. Accommodation will as far as is practical be made available for them to observe the proceedings.
The JIAC will exclude the press and public from all or part of a meeting if:
- The business being transacted has been classified as Protect, Restricted or Confidential under the Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS).
- The conduct of the press and/or public is disorderly and is inhibiting the holding of the meeting, or is likely to be disorderly and to inhibit the holding of the meeting.
- There is no right for anyone to record the proceedings (for instance by way of photographs, audio recording, broadcast or video recording) without specific approval of the meeting.
The quorum for the JIAC will be three members, and must include the Chair.
If during any of the meeting the JIAC number of members present falls below three then the meeting will stand adjourned. The consideration of any business not transacted shall be adjourned to a time fixed by the Chair at the time the meeting is adjourned.
Chairing Meetings
At the meeting the Chair shall preside if present. In their absence the members present shall appoint one of their number to act as Chair for that meeting.
Voting at meetings will be determined by a show of hands. Co-opted members will have full voting rights.
The names and votes of members shall not normally be recorded in the minutes but any member may request that their vote or abstention be recorded.
In the case of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting will have a second or casting vote.
Minutes of the meeting will summarise the proceedings and accurately record any resolution(s) passed.
Minutes will be submitted to the next following ordinary meeting for approval. When minutes have been confirmed as a correct record they will be signed by the Chair.
The Terms of Reference and Procedure are to be approved by the Commissioner, Chief Constable and Chair and will be reviewed annually.
Appendix B – Appointment specification
Appointment Title
Chair of Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC)
As Chair of JIAC you will play a key role in enhancing public trust and confidence in the governance of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and North Yorkshire Police, and assisting the Commissioner to discharge their statutory responsibilities in holding North Yorkshire Police to account.
Chair Specification
You will preferably have a background in management, risk management, finance, law, public administration or other appropriate discipline. You may have previous experience on a JIAC. Previous chairing of meetings is desirable but not a requirement.
You will be able to demonstrate that you can understand, interpret and discuss complex financial information and risk management issues. You will have the confidence to challenge and hold officers to account. You will be able to demonstrate independence, objectivity and impartiality.
You will be a good communicator, well organised, have the ability to ask searching questions and to remain independent, objective and unbiased.
The ability to lead a team, and to work with others to achieve results.
You will be able to demonstrate a broad understanding of financial, risk and control and governance issues facing public bodies. You will preferably have an understanding of the roles of internal and external audit.
Appointment description
In discharging his or her responsibility, the Chair must create and manage effective working relationships among the JIAC, executive officers, and internal and external auditors. The nature of that relationship should be characterised by candour, the timely sharing of information and concerns, and by the willingness to work together in the best interests of the public and in support of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable.
In general, the Chair should:
- Provide advice and counsel on matters relating to the work of the JIAC to the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officers and other members of management, as well as internal and external auditors
- Meet the JIAC’s requirements as expressed by its members
- Review and assesses the JIAC Terms of Reference once a year
- In collaboration with executive officers and other auditors, create an annual Work Plan for the JIAC;
- Monitor the execution of the Work Plan and keeps under review the necessity for any modifications thereto;
- Report to the Executive Board on the work of the JIAC in a timely and comprehensive manner; and
- Provide frequent improvement opportunities for Members.
Chair responsibilities:
- Attend Committee meetings regularly so as to enable the Committee to carry out its responsibilities diligently and effectively, scheduling an appropriate number and the timing of JIAC meetings each calendar year so as to enable the JIAC to carry out its responsibilities diligently and effectively
- In consultation with the Chief Financial Officers and the external auditors, create the agenda for each JIAC meeting with a view to establishing the appropriate priorities, and fulfilling the 2 obligations of the JIAC under its Charter and in accordance with its Work Plan
- Use his or her best efforts to ensure that the Committee receives all material to be discussed at the meeting at least ten days before the meeting and in an appropriate format to allow Members to review the relevant information and contribute meaningfully to the meeting
- Ensure any paperwork provided to the JIAC is reasonable and proportionate in allowing JIAC to undertake its duties.
- Ensure that each meeting of the Committee is quorate and consider relevant communications technology where necessary
- Hold pre-JIAC meeting sessions with relevant people to discuss and review all the written materials to be sent to the Members before such materials are sent to them; prioritising the issues to be considered by the JIAC; and reviewing and deciding on how the issues can best be presented to the JIAC
- Consider internal and external audit reports
- Oversee the effectiveness in place for ensuring compliance with statutory responsibilities
- Oversee the financial reporting process
- Be committed to the general principles of good governance, and to proactively uphold the seven Nolan principles of public life
The Chair should drive the JIAC culture by providing leadership in promoting and supporting a JIAC culture characterised by:
- The acceptance by each Member of his or her responsibility to use his or her best efforts in carrying out his or her duties as a Member
- The JIAC’s insistence on the highest level of integrity, accountability and honesty in the actions of the JIAC and of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officers and the other officers
- Respect and trust among Members, between the JIAC and management, between the JIAC and the auditors
- The open and timely sharing of all relevant information among the Members, management and auditors
- Acceptance by all Members of the right of every Member to hold and express dissenting opinions
- A genuine commitment by Members to good governance practices
- A willingness on the part of Members to function in a collaborative manner
Other Requirements
The Chair will need to commit to approximately 12-16 full days per year to fulfil their role. This will be made up meeting preparation, meetings themselves, the wider work of the Chair as outlined about and for time to ensure continuous understanding of the governance processes in place in North Yorkshire.
To ensure the independence of the JIAC it is expected that prospective candidates shall not be:
- A standing or ex- Commissioner or Chief Constable.
- A member or ex-member of a Police and Crime Panel.
- Serving Police Officers.
- Current employee of a Commissioner or Chief Constable.
- Individuals who are active in local or national politics, not including Parish Council level.
- Individuals who have significant business or personal dealings with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner or North Yorkshire Police.
- Individuals who have close relationships with any of the above including immediate family members and as such may not have the requisite level of independence required for membership of the JIAC.
- Individuals removed from a trusteeship of a charity.
- A person who has been adjudged bankrupt, or made a composition or arrangement with his creditors.
Supervisory Responsibilities
The Chair will not line manage any staff, but is required to ensure the skills of other members of JIAC are sufficient
Policies and Vetting
The Commissioner has a wide range of policies to support a positive, productive, fair and safe working environment. The Commissioner is independent of North Yorkshire Police but shares and makes use of North Yorkshire Police resources.
Appendix C – Appointment specification
Appointment Title
Member of Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC)
As a Member of the JIAC you will play a key role in enhancing public trust and confidence in the governance of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and North Yorkshire Police, assisting the Commissioner and Chief Constable to discharge their statutory responsibilities in holding North Yorkshire Police to account and supporting the Chair of the JIAC wherever possible.
Member Specification
You will preferably have a background in management, risk management, finance, law, public administration or other appropriate discipline. You may have previous experience on a JIAC.
You will be able to demonstrate that you can understand, interpret and discuss complex financial information and risk management issues. You will have the confidence to challenge and hold officers to account. You will be able to demonstrate independence, objectivity and impartiality.
You will be a good communicator, well organised, have the ability to ask searching questions and to remain independent, objective and unbiased.
The ability to work as part of a team
You will be able to demonstrate a broad understanding of financial, risk and control and governance issues facing public bodies. You will preferably have an understanding of the roles of internal and external audit.
Member Description
Members of JIAC must contribute to the development and effective discharge of the Terms of Reference of the JIAC. You will be a strategic thinker with the ability to analyse and interpret complex information and then challenge constructively.
In general, Members will:
- Provide advice and counsel on matters relating to the work of the JIAC to the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officers and other members of management, as well as internal and external auditors
- Support the Chair in their discharge of the Terms of Reference
- Support the Chair in meeting the Work Plan
Member responsibilities:
- Attend JIAC meetings regularly so as to enable the JIAC to carry out its responsibilities diligently and effectively
- Ensure the appropriate risk management and control arrangements are in place
- Consider internal and external audit reports
- Oversee the effectiveness in place for ensuring compliance with statutory responsibilities
- Oversee the financial reporting process
- A genuine commitment by Members to good governance practices
- Be committed to the general principles of good governance, and to proactively uphold the seven Nolan principles of public life
Other Requirements
Members will need to commit to approximately 8-12 full days per year to fulfil their role. This will be made up meeting preparation, meetings themselves and for time to ensure continuous understanding of the governance processes in place in North Yorkshire.
To ensure the independence of the JIAC it is expected that prospective candidates shall not be:
- A standing or ex-Commissioner or Chief Constable.
- A member or ex-member of a Police and Crime Panel.
- Serving Police Officers.
- Current employee of a Police and Crime Commissioner or Chief Constable.
- Individuals who are active in local or national politics, not including Parish Council level.
- Individuals who have significant business or personal dealings with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner or North Yorkshire Police.
- Individuals who have close relationships with any of the above including immediate family members and as such may not have the requisite level of independence required for membership of the JIAC.
- Individuals removed from a trusteeship of a charity.
- A person who has been adjudged bankrupt, or made a composition or arrangement with his creditors.
Supervisory Responsibilities
The Member will not be required to line manage any staff.
Supervision Required.
No direct supervision as preparation for audit JIAC meetings should be undertaken independently and the decisions of the JIAC will be reached by majority or consensus. However, the JIAC will be required to follow the directions of the Chair with regard to administrative arrangements and procedures to be followed during the hearing.
Policies and Vetting
The Commissioner has a wide range of policies to support a positive, productive, fair and safe working environment. The Commissioner is independent of North Yorkshire Police but shares and makes use of North Yorkshire Police resources.
Appendix D – Advert for Chair and/or Member(s) of Joint Independent Audit Committee
[The below will need to be reworded slightly for Chair recruitment]
Do you want to help make policing better in North Yorkshire?
The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police are looking for 5 articulate, experienced professionals to help govern both organisations by taking up between two and four-year terms on the Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC). We are looking for four members and one Chair, but you may apply for both appointments. This is an exciting opportunity for someone to be able to join a dynamic team, and support the Commissioner and Chief Constable in discharging their statutory responsibilities.
Independent members will proactively support the Commissioner and Chief Constable in ensuring the right governance and control mechanisms are in place to support a well-run police service.
As an independent member, you should have a financial, accountancy, risk-management or audit background and have experience in corporate governance, ideally in the public sector. The JIAC is specifically looking for people with skills in the following areas:
- Risk management
- Treasury management
- Audit governance
The JIAC reviews and scrutinises the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, internal audit and control, and corporate governance arrangements of both organisations, as well as reviewing financial management and reporting.
Talking about the JIAC, Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire said, “The Joint Independent Audit Committee is a central part of our governance process. But rather than being a dry committee talking numbers and complex management speak, this committee is a living, breathing group of people who proactively help shape how we do business in North Yorkshire.
If you are interested in this type of work I would encourage you to come forward and apply for role, and help make policing in North Yorkshire even better.”
Applicants must be over the age of 18, live or work in the North Yorkshire area and be able to attend meetings at the Commissioner’s office in Harrogate or Police Headquarters (Newby Wiske and subsequently Northallerton) during the working day.
Being a Member of JIAC is a voluntary independent appointment but reasonable expenses incurred as a result of carrying out the role will be reimbursed.
Download our JIAC information pack to learn more about the role and functions of the Committee (link to be provided).
If you wish to apply to join the JIAC, please send your CV and covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for this position to: [email protected] by no later than (time) on (day/date).
To read minutes from previous meetings of the JIAC and gain an understanding of what the role entails please click here (link to be provided)