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Online Public Meeting – 25 January 2024 – NYP – Customer contact

The focus of this month’s meeting

2:30-4:00pm – North Yorkshire Police 

  • Customer contact
    The focus of this meeting will be on Customer contact and include an update on Force Control Room performance and the impact of the Commissioner’s investment in early 2023.

Each meeting will focus on:

  • A look at latest performance data in areas of public interest and a report on complaints made against North Yorkshire Police.
  • An in-depth discussion on a key theme of public concern identified in line with police and crime priorities.
  • An opportunity for Commissioner Zoë to raise issues that matter to the public for discission with Chief Officers.
  • An update on the progress made against the latest independent inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services to provide Commissioner Zoë and the public with evidence of improvements.
  • A dedicated question and answer time for Commissioner Zoë to ask the Chief Constable and her senior leadership team the questions submitted by members of the public.


  • Zoë Metcalfe – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • Tamara Pattinson – Director of Delivery and Assurance
  • Polly Etheridge – Delivery and Assurance Manager
  • Elliot Foskett – Acting Chief Constable
  • Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Scott Bisset
  • Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Catherine Clarke

Thematic presentation:

  • Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Scott Bisset
  • Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Catherine Clarke

Performance update:

  • Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Scott Bisset
  • Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Catherine Clarke


Time Item
14:30 Introductions
14:35 Performance update
15:00 Main presentation
15:25 Spotlight questions
15:50 Inspection update
16:00 Public questions
16:30 Meeting ends

Meeting papers

Meeting highlights

Improvements in 101 & 999

Crime rates reducing


Increase in public confidence

Welfare checks


HMICFRS update


Public questions

  1. Andrew – York – support services for men
    I have been directed to the charity survivors as a male victim of sexual abuse.
    You spoke about ending sexual abuse against women and children. Why do you not care about sexual abuse against men?
  2. Rebecca – Selby – Speeding
    What is being done to prevent speeding along Brook Street in Selby Town Centre? I’ve submitted speed reports directly to North Yorkshire Police.
    Speeding is a huge problem along Brook Street and Doncaster Road Selby. The road has several pedestrian crossings, a railway line, several mini roundabouts, the hospital, police station and multiple schools. When will the problem be addressed by the police as I’ve yet to have any response.
  3. Frances – York – armed police
    Please can you tell me why it is necessary to have armed police in Central York during the Christmas Market?
    There are many towns holding such events at this time of year; do they all now have an armed police presence? One of the corner stones of our democracy has been an unarmed police force, and I am very perturbed by this apparent change. I can imagine that there are times when national security information necessitates the deployment of the armed section of our police, and I appreciate that such information cannot be wholly put into the public domain. Nevertheless, this seems to be a potential escalation of security measures and I should be grateful for any elucidation that can be given.
  4. Tim – Skipton – Road safety Can the Chief Constable explain why NYP are not proactively tackling highway crimes in Skipton despite the issue having been raised with NYC Highways on several occasions (and, I am told, raised in meetings between NYC and NYP?).
    Illegal and dangerous parking around schools is a daily occurrence in Skipton… one school/hotspot for illegal parking just a few hundred meters from Skipton’s police station and yet no action is taken
  5. Barbara – Richmond – Climate change
    What steps are the police taking to reduce their carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.
    Is the government giving extra money for solar panels to be installed on all police buildings and funding the purchase of electric vehicles?
  6. Jennifer – Ripon – Police station
    Ripon is a city with a growing population and yet we don’t have a dedicated Police Station. In this matter we are going backwards instead of forward – our Police Station being closed several years ago, and the land sold for residential development. This large and growing community requires a full time and fully manned Police Station.
    Can you please tell me if there are any plans to fulfil this much needed obligation or if not why not?
  7. Rosemary – York – Youth services
    On the Today programme R4, 8/1/24, comment was made about how funding had been withdrawn from councils who had to cut youth services which is a major cause of youth disruption and rise in stabbings. The next sentence was how incredibly costly it was to deal with a stabbing, not just for the families but financially for the police.
    Why can’t the police put funding into traditional youth services? Borrow ahead from the days when less money has to be spent on dealing with stabbings. And even maybe save a few heartbreaks?
  8. Liz – Scarborough – minor crime
    Why have the police stopped enforcing minor laws that are broken?
    In Scarborough town we are fed up with the litter dropped, the skateboarders/cyclists riding on the pedestrian areas and pavements, the vehicles that drive through, the unsociable behaviour. Plus, the mobile homes that vandalise the boulders on the marine drive, moving them to park. Also why are more and more drinking places not being objected to by the police, we are becoming the booze capitol of the north.
    Surely common sense tells us that if we start with enforcing the minor laws then it educates people that we do not accept bad behaviour and take a pride in our very special Town.
  9. Louise – York – VAWG
    As a survivor of Domestic Abuse during times when there was little or no understanding in the Police Force of the levels of psychological abuse available to abusers, my question is:
    Now that there is a more widespread understanding of the strategies used by abusers and the effects on victims of emotional and psychological abuse, what advice is given to victims coming forward to Police to aid survival and escape now compared to when my family and I encountered it from 2015 to 2021?
  10. Dawn – Hambleton – HMICFRS
    Can you please explain why the 2021/22 PEEL inspection appears to be missing (or very very hard to find) from the NYPFCC website? And why is there no attention given to the wider report findings that show North Yorkshire Police does not adequately meet the standards for: building, supporting and protecting the workforce; protecting vulnerable people; investigating crime and responding to the public.
    There is significant space on the website given to the Commissioner’s congratulations to North Yorkshire Police for discharging the ‘single cause of concern’ that relates to the Force having inadequate governance in place, but you have not made clear to the public that the PEEL 21/22 inspection raised a number of areas that require improvement – to be clear, that means they are less than ‘adequate’. The report made it clear that the extent of improvement is needed must not be underestimated, and I am very concerned that this is poorly represented to the public on these pages. Is this a deliberate omission?
    As the Commissioner is responsible for oversight, I would expect to be able to find some information about what oversight there is with regards to North Yorkshire Police beginning to address the areas that must be improved. Please provide an update, as a response to this enquiry and on the website, to keep the public informed about a service that is less than adequate in so many areas.
    OPFCC – Responded to Dawn – Identified where HMICFRS reports are published on our website and advised of media release around the 21/22 PEEL inspection report.
  11. Brian – Middleham – Criminal & civil matter
    I wish to write to you regarding an article raised on Panorama 8th January 2024.
    A gentleman had a problem with his Range Rover, he contact a man who advertised to repair the vehicle for £5,000.
    The man took the Range Rover along with the money and sold the vehicle.
    The police were contacted, they saw the vehicle but decided that this was not a criminal matter but a civil matter. – What is the difference?
    The gentleman had therefore lost his Range Rover along with £5,000, could not report the matter to his insurance company  because the police refuse to act and give the man a crime reference number.
    This may not have happened in North Yorkshire but policing is not a postcode lottery it should be the same all over the country, so could you please tell me where here the difference is between a criminal and civil matter?
  12. Martin – Cycles with no lights
    I would like you to speak to the chief constable ref the amount of cycles on the roads during the hours of darkness with no lights.
    I travel from Selby to York most days at 5-30 am and the return Journey at 5 pm. At the moment I encounter a number (most of the cycles) that you encounter have no lights, this added to dark winter clothing make then very hard to see.
    Not only do they put there life and limb in danger, but the cost to NHS to treat, and effect on the motorist of any accidents.
    I have seen Police vans drive past cycles and take no action. Why?
    A small point, but surly a important safety matter and a step in making the Police seem like they in step with the public as opposed to be against them. Cars with out lights would be actioned against.
  13. James – 101
    Whenever I call 101 I seem to have to wait for some time for my call to be answered.
    Is there an optimum time to call 101?
    When are the peak times for 101 calls?
    We hear about the average wait time for 101 calls but what is the range of wait times? (Shortest to longest, over your recorded period)
  14. Helen – Haxby – Flooding & Road safety
    Hi I think the rivers are very full alot in the regional area and the bridges are under strain.
    Is there a contingency plan for avoiding the bridges at times of flooding as the bridges must be under stress from high water volumes? Just wondering as we use the system alot rather than bus or bike paths.!

To ask your question

  • Complete our online form
  • To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
Which service do you want to answer your question?(Required)

How to watch

  • YouTube: https://youtu.be/VKsO6AFkUe8
  • Commissioner’s website: https://bit.ly/OPM25jan2024
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/710021037868014