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Corporate performance, delivery and scrutiny board – 23 August 2016

Questions from the public

Question received from Mr Neil Wilby via e-mail:
“Today the theme of your Scrutiny Board is victims. You have delegated your Appropriate Authority powers under the Police Reform Act to a Detective Chief Inspector in the Professional Standards Unit of NYP. Twice in the last three working days that officer has lost his temper on the telephone with a rape victim. Is this the type of conduct that you condone as chief officer by an officer working specifically on your behalf?”

Watch and listen to the Board’s response:

To ask the Board a question

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to [email protected] before midday on Friday 19 August, please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYPscrutiny
    There will be a cut off point for asking questions, this will be announced during the meeting.

Meeting overview

This meeting will look at how the police are progressing with Police and Crime Plan – Priority four – Improve Victim Care

In April 2015, the Police and Crime Commissioner took over responsibility for delivering victim services and set up Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire, a bespoke service specifically designed for victims in the county. The service is commissioned by the Commissioner and provides initial contact for some 2,000 victims each month, ensuring they can access the support that best meets their need. In addition, the Commissioner provides a range of specialist services for victims, including restorative justice, counselling services and personal adviser-led support for vulnerable and high-risk victims including victims of domestic abuse

The Objectives under ‘Improve victim care’ are:

  • Improve and expand services – 57% public support
  • Embed restorative justice – 21% public support
  • Tackle repeat victimisation – 53% public support


No. Time Item Purpose Lead
1 13:30 Attendance and apologies To note attendance and apologies: Julia Mulligan, CC Dave Jones, Joanna Carter, A/ACC Amanda Oliver A/CEO / A/CC
2 13:35 Minutes of previous meeting To discuss and agree the draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th July 2016 and to discuss the action log.
3 13:45 Forward Planner To discuss proposed thematic items for future meetings ALL
4 13:50 Questions from the public To address questions raised by the public in advance in relation to the agenda A/CEO / A/CC
5 13:55 Inspection Activity To provide an overview of up and coming inspection activity Maria Earles
6 14:00 Thematic –Priority 4: Improve Victim Care Monthly Substantive Item: Priority 4: Improve Victim Care. Leanne McConnell / Jenni Newberry
7 14:20 Support Services for Victims To review the evidence to support progress to meet outcomes Jenni Newberry
8 14:40 Quarterly Outcomes Review – Community Outcomes Monthly Substantive Item: Quarterly Outcomes Review: Community Outcomes Maria Earles
 To provide am update for scrutiny
 9 14:50  Update on vulnerability resourcing  To provide an update for update on vulnerability resourcing  ACC Winward
10 15:00 Performance / Outcome Updates Performance and outcome updates ACC Windward
11 15:15 Questions on Twitter To address questions raised by the public during the meeting in relation to the agenda A/CEO / A/CC
12 15:20 Any other business ALL
13 Date of Next Meeting 27 September 2016 at 13:30hrs in the Thornton Meeting Room, West Offices, York
14 15:30 Meeting part 2 To deal with matters of a restricted nature A/CEO / A/CC
