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Contracts over £10,000

entered into by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable are required to publish a list of each contract in which the Commissioner or the Chief Constable is involved, along with a copy of each contract where the value exceeds £10,000.

This is a requirement of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, as enlarged up on and amended by Statutory Instruments 2011 3050 and 2012 2479.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner takes this responsibility extremely seriously and publishes a list of all contracts. Contracts under £10,000


2017 Collaboration between Police and Fire services : PA Consulting

2017 – £141,437.50 – PA Consulting

New governance options in the Police & Crime Act 2017 allow for greater collaboration between Police and Fire services and to develop the role of elected and accountable Police and Crime Commissioners.  Therefore, a robust review and detailed evaluation of the varying governance options is essential to enable the PCC to consider impacts on efficiency, effectiveness and value for money. To enable this work to be carried out, it was necessary to engage professional consultancy services to complement the dedicated team of senior leaders from NYP and NYFRS.

PA Consulting are a provider on the CCS Consultancy One Framework and have therefore been the subject of a full European tender process.  A contract with them was awarded under the framework pricing, terms, and conditions.  They have completed work with both Essex and Sussex Fire Services on the establishment of a blueprint and business case for collaboration under the forthcoming legislation. Because of this, they were able to bring lessons learned to this project immediately, together with a full understanding of the fire/police service landscape, the inter-relationships within local partnerships and the decision making framework within the Home Office.

PA Consultancy have worked extensively with the Police Service and have developed a robust working knowledge of the legislation in question and the mechanisms of the various governance models.  As a result of this foundation, the North Yorkshire PCC was able to avoid duplication and demonstrate value for money for the public purse.

2017 – Research support for public consultation on joint governance of Police and Fire and Rescue services

2017 – £29,781 – MEL Research

The Policing and Crime Act (2017) makes provision for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to undertake an assessment as to whether a change in governance of the local Fire and Rescue Service would improve collaboration between these two services and with wider partners to the benefit of effectiveness, efficiency, economy and/or public safety.

In North Yorkshire, PCC Julia Mulligan has undertaken such an assessment and decided that there is a case for a transfer of governance to the PCC. As such a full Local Business Case (LBC) has been developed which now needs to be put to a public consultation to gather the views of the public and partners to contribute to the final LBC which will be submitted for consideration to the Home Office.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) is seeking an agency to assist with research for this public consultation. The agency will be required to meet the code of conduct set out by the Market Research Society and be fully in line with national best practice; design and undertake a large representative survey of North Yorkshire residents; facilitate focus groups and public meetings as required by the OPCC; and provide an analytical report of the results of their work. The report will set out the result, any changes deemed necessary to the LBC, and will contribute to an Equality Impact Assessment prepared by the OPCC.

The contract was awarded to MEL Research and will cost an estimated £30,000.


2016 Police and Crime Plan Refresh: Gap Analysis and Public Consultation

2016 – August – Estimated value £30,000 – The Buzz

The Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, Julia Mulligan, is refreshing her Police and Crime Plan which will set the strategy and priorities for North Yorkshire Police to 2020.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is seeking a consultancy agency that will be central to this refresh. The successful agency will undertake a gap analysis of the evidence that will contribute to the refreshed Plan against the current Plan, and conduct public and partner consultations regarding the refresh and on the redrafted Plan. The agency will deliver a full report of their gap analysis and findings with recommendations about how the Plan should be refreshed, and a full report of their assessment of public agreement with the redrafted Plan.

The contract was awarded to Harrogate based, The Buzzz and will cost an estimated £30,000.


Website refresh 2015

2015 Estimated value 15,000 – Mixd

The website is one of our major channels of communication enabling us to reach wide audiences and publish information in a timely manner.

Since implementing our first website our requirements have changed and so has technology. A new website is required to bring accessible information and new features to the people of North Yorkshire.

A Review of First Contact Customer Experience provided by North Yorkshire Police

2015 May – Estimated value £43,900 – The Buzz

In summer 2015, North Yorkshire Police will be upgrading its telephony system and making improvements to customer contact methods. Under the Operational Policing Model, a review of the Business Administration services will take place, looking at preferred methods of contact, front counter services and administration more broadly.

Public feedback to the Police and Crime Commissioner suggests that there is dissatisfaction with contacting the police for non-emergencies, in particular the 101 service, including the automated switchboard; the availability and efficiency of yellow phones; and opening times of local police stations.

By evaluating the existing methods of non-emergency contact and the satisfaction with the initial response given, we will be able to make appropriate changes and improvements where customer service does not meet expectations. This evaluation will not review 999 calls.

The contract was awarded to Harrogate based, The Buzzz and will cost an estimated £43,900.


York Night Time Economy

2014 – Estimated value  – awarded to Planning Express

The Commissioner is working with the Safer York Partnership to improve behaviour in the night time economy in York, making it a more family friendly city on evenings and weekends.

Following extensive public feedback, and the sad deaths of multiple people in York’s rivers, Planning Express undertook in depth research into York’s Night Time Economy (NTE). This looked at where people came from, what they did, and the impact this had on residents, business and others visitors. A Multi-agency group then considered the evidence and made a series of recommendations designed to improve York’s NTE, reflecting the concerns raised by the public and partners.

Police and Crime Plan research

2014 Estimated value £24,950 – SMSR

The Police and Crime Plan is the most important document a Police and Crime Commissioner writes.  It sets the policing priorities for North Yorkshire and the City of York, and is how the Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account.

To ensure the refreshed Police and Crime Plan reflects the views of North Yorkshire residents, and was evidenced based, we developed and undertook a county wide survey, assessing the public’s view of the police and their policing priorities.  This was a scientific survey, speaking to 1,100 residents across each district.  There were also focus groups with key communities, such as older people, disability groups, and many others.

This research was then delivered in a report, setting out the results across the county, by district and via demographics.  This information was then analysed, and forms the basis of the refreshed Police and Crime Plan which is currently still in development.

2014 March – Contract for Public Consultation – Police and Crime Plan – Operational Policing Model – SMSR


North Yorkshire Police Communications Review

2013 –  Estimated value £34,200 – Finn Communications

A review of the North Yorkshire Police communications department will be undertaken to ensure the Chief Constable and Commissioner can fulfil their respective roles effectively.  The review has been agreed jointly by the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner and will look at all aspects of communications within North Yorkshire Police, both internal and external. It will particularly focus on ensuring the necessary support for operational staff.

The review of the communications department is being delivered by Finn Communications based in Leeds and will cost an estimated £34,200.  The cost is being met by North Yorkshire Police, and has been accounted for in their budget.  Part of this review is likely to include the recruitment of a Head of Communications, who will support both the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner. A key aspect of the new role will be ensuring clarity between the Chief Constable and the Commissioner, particularly with regard to the operational independence of the Chief, as well as ensuring the Commissioner can execute her duties.

The Commissioner and the Chief Constable believe that having two separate communication functions would be unnecessarily expensive and therefore not in the interests of the public, preferring instead to prioritise frontline policing.

2013 June – Contract – North Yorkshire Police Communications Review

The total cost for the North Yorkshire Police Communications Review, which is being paid for by North Yorkshire Police, is an an estimated £34,200.

Accommodation costs

2013 – Estimated value £14,364 per year

Engagement with the community was at the heart of the Commissoiner’s decision to move the office to Harrogate.  The new office provides suitable working accommodation for staff, as well as an informal space to meet with the public and partners, and allows for the Commissioner and her staff to provide a better service for residents of North Yorkshire.

After considering a range of options, and while it is difficult to find one convenient location for all of North Yorkshire residents, Harrogate has been identified as the preferred location.  This is because it is reasonably centrally located within the county, is the second largest centre of population and most importantly is easily accessible via the road network and public transport.

The Commissioner also wishes to maintain independence and locate the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in a neutral location in order to effectively discharge her responsibilities.

A key aspect of the Commissioner’s role is to hold the Chief Constable to account, and Julia feels Harrogate demonstrates independence and distinction from the police service headquarters in Newby Wiske.

For information, the Harrogate site will cost £14,364 per year, plus utilities, whereas the previous rental at Melmerby industrial estate was £13,994. The lease for 12 Granby Road expires in July 2018.

The lease itself cannot be published for legal reasons.

056/2013 – Decision to change the office location of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Website production 2013

2013 – Estimated value £19,688.75 – awarded to MadeByPi

Engagement with public is seen one of the most important parts of the role of a Police and Crime Commissioner, and the current website is a vital part of that engagement approach.

Not only can the Commissioner promote issues of interest to residents of North Yorkshire related to policing and crime, but it also allows her to publish all her expenses, minutes of meetings and other documents ensuring transparency and openess with the general public.

2013 January – Invitation to tender – Website production 2013

2013 August – MadeByPi’s proposal – Website production