The role of the OPFCC
The York & North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning is specifically responsible for:
- Seeking the public’s views on policing and community safety decisions that affect them directly.
- Keeping the public up-to-date and informed about police performance, fire service performance and the Mayor’s work in these areas.
- Monitoring and scrutinising the performance of the Chief Constable and North Yorkshire Police
- Monitoring and scrutinising the performance of the Chief Fire Officer and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Publishing easy-to-access and transparent information about decisions, budgets, performance and governance
- Working with partners to co-ordinate community safety and crime prevention activities across York and North yorkshire
- Commissioning appropriate services for local people
Statutory Officers
Chief Executive Officer
Monitoring officer responsibilities and appointment process
Every Commissioner must have a Chief Executive Officer, who is the ‘head of paid service’ and also the ‘monitoring officer’ that warns them about any actual or potential law breaking or anything else that might lead to an injustice.
The Chief Executive Officer works with the Commissioner to deliver their vision, strategy and identified priorities – ensuring that their office is led effectively and maintaining close day-to-day links with senior police officers, fire officers and staff.
There is more information about the Chief Executive Officer and their duties on the at: website
Chief Finance Officer/ Section 151 Officer for the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
Chief Finance Officer for the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority
Both of these roles are undertaken by Chief Finance Officer, Michael Porter.
Responsibilities and appointment process
The Chief Finance Officer helps the leadership team fund, develop and deliver strategic objectives sustainably and in the public interest.
The Chief Finance Officer promotes and ensures excellent financial management, safeguarding at all times public money – which is used appropriately, economically, efficiently and effectively.
They have similar legal duties and responsibilities to the chief executive and monitoring officer regarding any unlawful (or potentially unlawful) spending by the Commissioner or those acting on her behalf.
North Yorkshire shares its Chief Finance Officer with Cleveland to ensure the Commissioner:
- Acts lawfully and is completely transparent in their actions and decisions
- Has a legal entitlement to the staff, accommodation and other resources needed to carry out her duties.