We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Working with partners

Find out how we work with our partners

Effective partnership working is central to the success of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan.

To deliver essential services to our communities, your Mayor and the York & North Yorkshire Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning works with a wide range of local partner organisations.

Most obvious is the daily collaboration with North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to develop new ideas to achieve the goals of the Police and Crime Plan, and Fire and Rescue Plan.

The Mayor and OPFCC also works with local authorities, including North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council. Partnership with the county’s health services – such as the clinical commissioning groups, NHS service providers and NHS England – is also important.

The Mayor and OPFCC also works with each community safety partnership – statutory partnerships of the local police, council, fire service, probation trust and others who collaborate in their areas to reduce crime and the fear of crime, as well as anti-social behaviour, alcohol and drug misuse and reoffending.

Each of these delivers key services locally, working with the Mayor and OPFCC to solve local problems – part of the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan. The Mayor financially supports the partnerships and other community safety services across North Yorkshire.

There is a reciprocal duty for co-operation between the Mayor and OPFCC and criminal justice agencies to ensure that an effective and efficient criminal justice system operates in the local area. In North Yorkshire, these groups come together through the local criminal justice board and the Mayor works with it on appropriate issues – while recognising the independence of the Crown Prosecution Service and judiciary.

Commissioning Services

The Commissioning and Partnership team administers a budget of £4,058,000 which includes ring-fenced national grant funding and locally allocated spending.

£3,431,000 contributes towards services provided by third parties with the remaining budget funding in-house services, commissioning and contract management activity.

The team work collaboratively with local Criminal Justice partners, pooling funding and co-commissioning services to maximise impact on individuals and local communities.

Find out more about Commissioning and Partnerships.

North Yorkshire Police

Crucially, the Mayor is separate to and distinct from North Yorkshire Police and the Chief Constable’s operational independence is enshrined in law.

North Yorkshire Police is one of the UK’s best performing forces. This is shown  by having the lowest crime figures in England and consistently outperforming other police services. Visit the North Yorkshire Police website

Our partners

The list below provides links to many of the area’s organisations and partnerships who work with the OPFCC