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Kerry’s story

If you have been affected by the loss of someone through drugs, and you would like to talk with somebody about how you’re feeling, information about help and support available can be found on the Bereaved through Alcohol and Drugs website

On Saturday 11 May 2019, Kerry Roberts received a telephone call from one of her daughter’s friends, to say that her 15-year-old daughter Leah was unwell.

Kerry knew that Leah was out socialising with her friends and assumed that maybe she had drunk too much alcohol. Kerry thought that she would be taking her daughter home that day (and telling her off for drinking).

Leah had taken two MDMA ‘bombs’, which is when a powder form of Ecstasy is wrapped in cigarette paper and then swallowed.

When Kerry reached her, Leah was on the floor of a car park. Leah was experiencing seizures, and the last word she said was “Mum.”

Leah lost her life before an ambulance could arrive.

Kerry’s advice to other parents, guardians and care givers