We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Where to find help and support

For your child

  • If your child lives in York, is under 21 and thinking about using drugs or alcohol and wants advice or support they can WhatsApp, email, or phone Changing Lives.
  • If your child lives in North Yorkshire and is aged between 10 and 18, or up to 24 with special educational needs and disability, they can get support to stop or reduce alcohol or drug use from North Yorkshire Rise. 
  • If your child is worried about anything (not just drugs), lots of information about how to cope with common issues, along with details about where to find help can be found at Go-To.
  • ChildLine also offer a range of support on the phone, email and online chat.

For you

  • If you are being affected by a loved one’s substance use, you can speak with a Family Support Worker at Adfam.
  • You can call, text or email FRANK if you have a question about drugs and/or alcohol.
  • If you are concerned that your child is at risk of exploitation or is being exploited, and you want some advice about what your options are as a parent, guardian and care giver you can speak with a Parent Liaison Officer at Parents Against Child Exploitation.
  • If you have lost someone through drugs including alcohol, you can find the details of support which is available on the Bereaved through Alcohol and Drugs website. 

If you’re worried about a child or young person and you want to report your concerns

If you are worried about a child but you’re not sure what to do, you have a number of options.

In a non-emergency situation you can contact:

If you’re concerned about the immediate safety of a child or young person, please always telephone the police on emergency 999.