Changes to Commissioner’s office to make a positive difference for the public, every day

September 2022
Commissioner Zoë’s team support her work to enhance public confidence, keep people safe and support victims in our communities. Currently based in Harrogate, they commission key services such as victims’ support, scrutinise decisions within North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, and ensure there is delivery on the agreed Police and Crime Plans and Fire and Rescue Plans.
As part of the review, a new Assistant Commissioner & Victims’ Champion for North Yorkshire and York will be appointed.
Jenni Newberry, who served as Acting Commissioner for a short period prior to Commissioner Zoë’s election, has been asked to take up this new role which aims to provide greater resilience and a clear commitment of support for victims. Jenni will take on this non-statutory, non-political role alongside her existing commitments as Director of Commissioning and Partnerships.
A number of existing temporary roles will be discontinued, and a number of new positions recruited for in the coming weeks including a Director of Delivery & Assurance and Director of Public Confidence.
Additional investment in the team will be offset wherever possible with savings, including moving out of the existing base at Granby Road and co-locating with North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in Harrogate to effectively use buildings already being paid for by the public.
The review has also worked alongside those developing plans for the devolved North Yorkshire and York Combined Authority which is due to assume the responsibilities of the Commissioner’s Office from 2024, subject to Ministerial and Parliamentary scrutiny and approval.
Although some roles will change, there is not expected to be any requirement for compulsory redundancies and a consultation with staff is now underway.
North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe said:
“As Commissioner, I am elected to do everything I can to keep people safe and feeling safe. These changes are an important part in ensuring my Office, which already does a huge amount of often hidden work, can achieve that and deliver on the changes we need to protect every community now and for the years ahead.
“The past 18-months has seen significant changes for the team with three Commissioners and an Acting Commissioner. I know this has been hard, and I want to thank every one of them for their commitment to our core values of delivering for people across North Yorkshire and York.
“I am delighted Jenni Newberry has agreed to work alongside me as Assistant Commissioner and Victims’ Champion to ensure we have even more visible senior team with a focus on what the public has told me are their priorities. Jenni’s support of me will ensure we can represent all parts of this county and city even better in the months and years ahead.”
Simon Dennis, Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer for the Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said:
“Change is never easy, but I believe these changes are vital to ensuring the Commissioner’s team has the right people to provide the right support we need to make a positive difference to the public every day.
“We must always ensure we are providing value for money for taxpayers, being as transparent as possible about our aims, and doing all we can to protect the public. By leaving our current base, restructuring our team and providing more scrutiny and support of the leadership of North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, I know we can achieve that.”
Jenni Newberry, Director of Commissioning and Partnerships for the Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said:
“I know that a lot of people are unaware of the work the Commissioner’s Office and the important role our team plays in protecting the public. I am proud to have been asked to play a role in ensuring we are better at explaining what we do, how we do it and how that benefits North Yorkshire and York.
“One of the areas my team have always been particularly passionate about is ensuring there is high quality support available for victims who are often facing some of the worst times imaginable and who all too easily disappear off the radar.
“As Victims’ Champion, I want to ensure we continue to lead the way at offering help and advice to those individuals and families, ensure they get justice and that they can rebuild their lives.”
Jenni Newberry will assume the additional remit of Assistant Commissioner and Victims’ Champion on 1 October 2022. Other changes to the structure will be put in place as appointments to roles are made. Jobs advertised as part of the new structure will be available to view at
Commissioner Zoë and her Office have today published Annual Reports for 2021/22 detailing the progress made against the Police and Crime, and Fire and Rescue Plans for 2019-2021. These plans were acquired by Commissioner Zoe following the by-election in November last year and she now looks forward to delivering the positive changes set in her own plans for 2022-25.
These latest reports can be viewed on the Commissioners website:
- Policing and Crime: - Fire and Rescue: