Fire and Rescue Plan – Consultation

Public consultation on the proposed future priorities for the Fire Service
Following the transition of the governance of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Julia Mulligan has today (25 March) launched a public consultation on the proposed future priorities for the Fire Service.
The aim of the process is to make sure these reflect the expectations of the people of North Yorkshire and the results will inform the statutory Fire and Rescue Plan covering the next two years from 2019 to 2021.
This mirrors the same process which the Commissioner has undertaken for North Yorkshire Police since her election, but it is the first time anything like this has been undertaken for the Fire and Rescue Service in North Yorkshire.
Open until Sunday, 21 April, the Commissioner will analyse all the feedback from the public, partners and workforce and, working with the Chief Fire Officer, will make sure there is a clear, ambitious blueprint for the Fire and Rescue Service in North Yorkshire.
Commenting on the consultation’s launch, Julia Mulligan said:
“I am very keen to hear directly what the public want to see from their fire service in the future. Responding to fires – and responding well – will always be the foremost priority, but we also need to make sure we make the best use of our resources, maximising our efforts around prevention, with particular focus on those who are the most vulnerable.
“This plan needs to be right for our service and right for the people of North Yorkshire, helping everyone to be safe and feel safe. Please do take part in the survey – each comment counts and will be listened to by me and the Chief Fire Officer.”
Hard copies are available on request, contact the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner:
- Call 01423 569 562
- Email [email protected]
Download and print out
- Download and print out the full Fire and Rescue Plan 2019-20 – Survey
- Download and print out the Fire and Rescue Plan leaflet with short survey
- Download – Print out and Pin up the Fire survey poster
- Download and print out the EASY READ Fire and Rescue Plan leaflet with short survey
Published 25 March 2019