If you, or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse

The Supporting Victims Team work closely with IDAS to provide help and support to victims of domestic abuse.
On this page
Help for you
If you are facing isolation with an abusive person, IDAS offer safety planning advice on their website.
- Getting a spare phone and store emergency contact numbers in it and hide it in a safe place or with a trusted person
- Keeping your ID documents, emergency funds, bank cards and children’s birth certificates to hand
- Speaking to your neighbours and ask them to ring the police if they hear or see anything
- Setting up safe words with friends so they know to call for help on your behalf
- Planning to check in with people regularly so that they can raise the alarm if they don’t hear from you
- Planning to escape to the garden or to a room that you can exit from easily if abusive behaviour escalates
- Avoiding rooms where there could be weapons if the abusive behaviour escalates
For more information email IDAS on [email protected] or call Supporting Victims on 01609 643100, email: [email protected]
I know someone who is or has experienced domestic abuse
If you are worried about a friend; family member; neighbour, or colleague, this advice could help to provide a lifeline:
- Check in with them regularly, if it is safe to do so
- Ask if there is anything that you can look out for that might indicate they need help
- Set up a code word to indicate that help is needed
- Call the Police if you hear or see anything that could indicate a potential risk
- Look at the safety planning advice on the IDAS Website
Find out more about the services available in North Yorkshire and York to support women and girls
- Please visit our page – #16Days of Action – Supporting women and girls