
Help keep your local community safer
Volunteers play a vital role within the police service, local community and the Office of Police, Fire, Crime and Commissioning.
Volunteering opportunities range from joining your local neighbourhood or rural watch scheme; manning the front counters at local police stations; serving on the Chief Constable and Mayor’s Independent Audit Committee or taking on the hugely rewarding and responsible role of a Special Constable.
Ways to volunteer:
- The Office’s Domestic Abuse and Rape Scrutiny Panel
- The Office’s Independent Audit Committee – Fire
- The Office’s Independent Custody Visitors
- The Office’s Independent Audit Committee – Police
- The Office’s Stop and search lay observer scheme
- The Office’s Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel
- The Office’s Youth Commission
- North Yorkshire On Call Firefighter
- North Yorkshire Special Constables
- Police support Volunteers