We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Make a complaint or compliment about our staff or the Deputy Mayor

If you have a complaint or compliment, we want to hear it.

Make a complaint or compliment about our staff

Do it online

Talk, Email or write to us

  • To talk call us on 01423 642700
  • To e-mail write to [email protected]
  • To write send a letter to York and North Yorkshire Office of the Police, Fire, Crime Commissioning, Harrogate Police Station, Beckwith Head Rd, Harrogate, HG3 1FR

Make a complaint about the Deputy Mayor to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel

If you have a concern about something the Deputy Mayor has said or done, the first step is to raise it with them directly.

If you are still not satisfied, you can make a complaint to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel. Someone can act on your behalf (perhaps a friend or relative) if you give your written permission for them to do so.