We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Neighbour disputes

How we can help

Often, people have been through various systems, without result, before contacting the Commissioner.

It can be difficult to get involved when there is an underlying civil issue, such as a problem with shared access. Often people feel that they are not being listened to or their problem fully understood.

We have been able to help by bringing people together and hosting meetings with the local police and council, sometimes the resolution is not the responsibility of just one individual or organisation, but needs a combined effort.

Community trigger

Community trigger is a case review process that acts as a ‘backstop safety net for victims’ who have suffered from, and reported, at least three incidents of anti-social behaviour in a six month period. Each report must have been made within one month of the incident occurring.

If the Community trigger applies to your situation and you need help to make your application, please get in touch.

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