Community safety services fund 2023/24
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York BID Taxi Marshal Programme
The York Business Improvement District (BID) – £13,126.00 awarded – York
Funding will support the Taxi Marshal Programme to grow. The BID funds two marshals to manage the taxi rank queues on Duncombe Place from 23.00-03.00 on a Friday and Saturday night from April-December.
The programme is aimed at supporting taxi drivers and users, residents and local businesses. The primary aims of the programme are to:
- Ensure the taxi rank queues are well managed and orderly
- Reduce crime and ASB on a night time
- Support people using the taxi rank and passers by to feel and be safe
This funding will enable the programme to grow, with extra provision during holidays and race days, and fund marshals at the St Saviourgate taxi rank.
The programme addresses a gap by providing a service that would otherwise be lost.
Helping people to get home safely is the primary function of the marshals programme, and this funding will enable the BID to continue to grow this service, working closely with police and community safety teams to maximise impact.
Youth Interventions (LIFE Course / Day in a life course)
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (NYFRS) – £20,000 awarded – Countywide
12-months funding will support the delivery of 5-day LIFE or 1 Day in the LIFE youth intervention schemes. Course content is in-line with National Fire Chiefs Council guidance and provides a modern course, aiming to improve outcomes for the identified young people who attend. Together with core content, there is a flexible element to allow for subject matter to be tailored towards the needs of the participants. The 5-day LIFE course is held at Fire Stations throughout York and North Yorkshire and delivers a variety of practical activities blended with educational inputs. The associated attitudinal and behavioural changes aim to reduce disruption in education and / or engagement in anti-social behaviour in the community. Day in the LIFE is a reduced offering suitable for smaller or targeted groups that can be delivered in smaller locations, making it accessible to a wider geographic area. NYFRS will work with partners to ensure the delivery of targeted courses, based on need and demand across North Yorkshire and York.
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (NYFRS) – £9,000 awarded – Countywide
NYFRS owns an innovative water safety intervention called ‘the flume’ which aims to engage and educate the public, to prevent water related harm and fatalities. The service’s Prevention Team officers use the flume primarily with children, young people and families. It is also a key component intervention at a range of planned events such as LIFE courses. Funding will enable the purchase of two further flumes to offer this intervention equally across more venues/locations across the county, and in accordance with those areas highlighted as being at risk, through the services Risk and Resource Model and in partnership with Community Safety leads.
Wake Up Call
North Yorkshire Youth – £10,120.00 awarded – Countywide
Wake-up Call is an extension to the Wake-Up Call Course, previously funded by the OPFCC. The course received positive feedback from schools and excellent engagement from young people. Several schools have had multiple courses to meet the needs of their young people and the challenges they are facing in school. The course has been adapted to respond to changing issues, to challenge the opinions that young people have and to strengthen a counter narrative within young people. Current trends in society have made Wake-Up Call take a slightly different direction to ensure relevance and meeting need. The course sits in the pre-Prevent space focussing on the lower-level hate crime agenda. The course is offered as early intervention, educating young people informally on the effects of hate crime and community tensions. Aims include re-routing negative views, beliefs, and behaviour into positive attitudes. Sessions are interactive, built around several thought provoking and creative activities. Funding will support the delivery for a further year, delivering across the county. Up to 120 young people (12 young people per course) will be targeted in partnership to engage, through partnership working.
Harrogate Synagogue Security
Harrogate Hebrew Congregation, Harrogate Synagogue – £1,741.10 awarded – Harrogate
Funding will enable the purchase of two Home Office Stab vests to provide protection for in-house security personnel.
This is as a result of recent heightened tensions and concerns for staff and congregation, as a result of the on-going situation in Israel and Gaza.
Project will also link with local Counter Terrorism Security Adviser for wider support.