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Community Fund projects 2020/21

£160,027 has been awarded to 19 projects

Sleepsafe Selby

£4,000 funding awarded – Selby

Temporary, short-term accommodation project for vulnerable people in Selby. Working closely with Selby District Council Housing Services to secure longer-term solutions, this funding will enable the project to install a shower block and water supply.

Northallerton Men’s Shed – Relocation Project

£2,000 funding awarded – Northallerton

Northallerton Men’s Shed will use the £2,000.00 Community Fund grant to physically strengthen the security and safety aspects of the new building.

The project will involve the local policing and fire prevention teams in reviewing both security and fire safety arrangements prior to the installation of new measures.
It will further develop links with the Neighbourhood Police Team, Community Safety Hub and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, together with other partner organisations to ensure:

  • a targeted approach is taken for encouraging new members to access the project;
  • service involvement in project sessions e.g. crime awareness, fire safety

Clean Slate Solutions

£18,600 awarded – Clean Slate Solutions – Hambleton Richmondshire

Funding will enable a pilot project supporting and mentoring offenders with the aim of engaging them into appropriate education, training or paid employment within 12 months;

  • Clean Slate Solutions will work closely with National Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Company, North Yorkshire Police and partners to ensure appropriate, targeted, referral pathways are in place;
    • Clean Slate Solutions will target both prison leavers and those in receipt of community sentences who pose medium or low risk; pre-sentenced individuals may also be referred as appropriate;
    • Clean Slate solutions will accept referrals from the Women’s Diversion Service and others as appropriate;
  • Clean Slate Solutions will support up to 40 individuals during the life of the project using a mentoring approach. Each mentor will work the individual through a mentored approach for a minimum of six months, and maximum of 12 months.

Community Connection Project 2021

£6,000 awarded – I Choose Life Foundation CIC – Countywide

Fundamental aim of project is to support communities to stay connected, through walking and talking events and mini adventures that promote wellness and re connection.

The last year has seen an increase in people struggling with their mental well being which has been under the strain of Covid-19.

Organisation is responding to more and more enquiries, dealing with clients in virtual form and supporting greater connection with wider communities.

This funding will enable the delivery of a virtual 10-week positive mental health programme, working in partnership to supporting a whole family approach to vulnerable people.

Just B The Change

£17,164 awarded – North Yorkshire Hospice Care t/a Just ‘B’ – Harrogate, Hambleton, Richmondshire

Funding will enable the development and expansion of a pilot project, delivering talking therapy emotional wellbeing support to young people at risk of engaging in crime across the Harrogate district, extending the project over the more rural districts of Hambleton and Richmondshire,

Just B will work with schools and partners to jointly discuss and identify those young people that they feel are vulnerable and most at risk of engaging in youth crime, particularly over the holidays and with a focus on the family support around them. Online support enables service reach and expansion to the more rural parts of the county where access to services is difficult because of travelling distances, leaving young people isolated without support.

Support worker led sessions will work to increase resilience, help vulnerable young people understand their emotional wellbeing needs and be equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to support their wellbeing throughout life. This will include recognising signs of distress in themselves and others and knowing how to seek extra help.

Youth Connect

£9,216 awarded – Gallows Close Centre (GCC) – Scarborough

GCC is an active community hub, working closely with the Community Safety team to support people of all ages within the community, providing a welcoming, accessible, safe space to meet and access services. The aim is to grow grassroot provisions, developing support and identifying needs through ongoing consultation with residents, volunteers, and young people.

Funding will enable a 48wk project to include a specific youth element to a new fitness and well-being programme, supporting transition to a post-Covid way of life. The project aims to engage with older young people, responding to feedback and with the opportunity for those 16+ to access employability courses.

Working with the local PCSO, the workshop-based project aims to reduce sale of drugs to young people, address issues of anti-social behaviour and increase young people’s resilience, confidence and life skills. This includes the aim to encourage young people to make this element sustainable, through the development of 7 volunteers within 1 year.

North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership

£20,000 awarded – North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership – Countywide

This one-off funding as part of Road Safety Speed Management Protocol (SMP) will support the replacement of speed monitoring devices, required urgently whilst a sustainable funding stream is sought to cater for future demands.

This community initiative allows local residents to raise concerns regarding speeding within their localities to the safety road partnership, where the most appropriate response can be given through deployment of data loggers.

The relaunch and re-invigoration of the project and partnership aims to better support communities of North Yorkshire, reduce speed offences and mitigate emerging risks or trends.

SASH Active

£37,537 awarded – SASH – Countywide

40 vulnerable young people will benefit from this groupwork based project, with the aim of resilience and confidence building, delivered through a mix of physical and emotional health, cultural, life skills and volunteering workshops, to young people in supported accommodation.

The project will continue to work closely with partner agencies to support young people’s transition to independence, supporting them to stay safe.

Stay Safe

£3,760 awarded – Disability Action Yorkshire -Countywide

Funding will enable the delivery of an eight-week, online training programme to disabled people, supporting them to stay safe.

The course will focus on 5 key areas: Staying safe at home, out and about, work, mate crime, online, with the aim of developing skills to recognise disability hate crime and ensure they are informed on how to report hate crime.

The project will work closely with partner agencies to ensure a targeted approach to referrals for the project and ensure inclusivity to vulnerable people.

Keeping Children Safe in North Yorkshire

£19,940 awarded – Marie Collins Foundation – Countywide

Funding will enable the development of a bespoke, virtual training course for NYP Officers and partner agency Designated Safeguarding Leads, to address online safeguarding issues affecting young people.

Working closely with partners to ensure a joined up approach, new information materials for parents and professionals re sexual abuse online will also be developed, together with relevant, accessible information for children and young people themselves re online child abuse. The approach for this will be determined through consultation.

Bullamoor Memorial Park – Play Space Improvements

£6,690 awarded – Northallerton Town Council – Hambleton

As part of a wider safety and crime prevention project, funding will enable the removal and relocation of the play equipment to a safe and accessible location (including in line with CCTV) to support people to be safe and feel safe in the local park.

Incident Command Vehicle

£4,780 awarded – Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team – Hambleton and Richmondshire

As part of a wider project to secure a new vehicle that will enhance operations and safety measures, this funding will support IT and radios equipment.

Detached Youthwork Ripon

£18,830 awarded – YMCA Ripon – Harrogate

Funding will enable this project to work alongside partners and deliver street-based detached youthwork in Ripon, engaging with the most vulnerable and marginalised young people with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour and increasing young people’s participation in diversionary activity.

Twice weekly 2 hour sessions will be delivered each Tuesday and Thursday evening in term time, with additional holiday provision where appropriate, taking the Inspire Youth van to the skate park/leisure centre and town centre.

Car Park Barrier

£825 awarded from the Police Property Fund – North York Moors National Park Authority – Ryedale

The Authority has been working with the local neighbourhood Police team to tackle vehicle related anti-social behaviour in a local car park.

The prevention of vehicle access between 19.30 and 0730 hours will ensure the community can use the car park site safely without vehicles being present; prevent the vehicle related anti-social behaviour in this location; and reduce the chance of the vehicle owners/occupiers becoming offenders.

The projects aims to reduce the pressure on the local Police resources to attend reported vehicle related antisocial behaviour incidents in this location and reduce any need to set up specific vehicle related operations in respect of this site outside of the opening hours.

The Authority is working with a local fabrication company to produce a barrier that can be locked on an evening and is secure from theft and has provided signage to forewarn visitors of the barrier and opening times of the barrier.

Wave Project North Yorkshire

£4,000 awarded – Wave Project North Yorkshire – Scarborough

Funding will enable the purchase of a wheelchair and adaptive surfboards as part of project expansion with a focus on inclusivity.

Wave Project is expanding its volunteer programme with more specific training for new and existing Surf Mentors and has started to collaborate with new partners to enhance its targeted, joined up approach.

Wave Therapy is the follow on to Surf Therapy, providing mentoring support with further surfing to vulnerable young people.

Youth Engagement at the Barn

£2,250 awarded – Tadcaster and Rural Community Interest Company – Selby

As part of the development of a wider youth engagement project, funding will enable a contribution towards the purchase of modular bike pump track.

Based on consultation and feedback, Youth workers will be trained to deliver activities that support young people develop their mountain biking skills as part of a wider positive activity programme.

The project will continue to work alongside partner agencies to ensure maximum engagement from identified young people.

Designing out Crime on the Fulford Community Sports Club and Parish Field site

£4,000 awarded – Fulford Community Sports Club – York

As part of a wider “Designing Out Crime’ project, funding will enable the purchase and installation of soft landscaping and plants , to support people to be safe and feel safe in the local community sports club.

The project seeks to address vandalism and ASB problems in the area and acts upon the recommendations of the local Designing out crime officer.

The club aims to encourage grassroots sport participation in the Fulford area of York and enhance green spaces and the creation of recreational opportunities for the local community.

A Rehearsal For Life: Exploring Community Safety for Adults with Learning Disabilities.

£12,265 awarded – Next Door But One – York & Ryedale

Funding will enable the delivery of a real-life based workshop, delivered as a 12 month preventive project, providing adults with learning disabilities with the knowledge, skills and vocabulary to recognise unsafe situations (such as hate-crime), unhealthy relationships when living independently and how to take appropriate action or seek additional support.

Working closely with partners to ensure a joined up approach, the project aims to engage 53 young people/adults with learning disabilities, 40 members of support staff and 20 parents/carers.

York Travellers Trust

Crafty Connections – £2,170 awarded but not yet taken as at June 2021 – York

Cultural exchange project which aims to open up dialogue between York’s Gypsy Traveller community and their settled neighbours in order to promote community cohesion whilst also raising aspirations.

York Travellers Trust exists to support and empower the Gypsy and Traveller communities of York and surrounding areas. We aim to improve outcomes in health, education and employment, challenge discrimination and promote community cohesion between the GT community and their settled neighbours.