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Community Fund projects 2018/19

£116,053 has been awarded to 19 projects

Vehicle Activated Speed Signage, Cononley Community Speedwatch Group, Craven

£2, 149 funding awarded

Community Speed Watch was initiated in Cononley following the submission of Speed Concern Forms to the 95 Alive Road Safety Partnership and supported by local Police Community Support Officers.  The group aims to reduce the number of vehicles travelling at speed through Cononley.

As part of a wider road safety project, funding will support permanent, interactive signage to enhance public safety as part of wider project in a targeted area.

The installation of these road safety measures will support the Police and Crime Plan aim of local pedestrians, cyclists and vulnerable road users feeling and being safer.

Community Hub, The Living Rooms, Hambleton

£5,000 funding awarded

The Community Hub will be a drop in facility for vulnerable individuals or those with emotional health concerns. Following a consultation with a trained volunteer, individuals will be sign posted for support as appropriate.

The drop in facility aims to support collaborative working with North Yorkshire Police and other services, by reducing calls and demand and working alongside the local neighbourhood policing team to support vulnerable individuals with multiple needs.

Trained volunteers will give time to those in need and direct them to the appropriate help.  The volunteer training is being coordinated by a doctor who is part of the The Living Rooms development / implementation team, ensuring vulnerable people are supported to access appropriate support, reducing their likelihood of becoming a victim or offender.

The project will also enhance collaborative links with the local Community Safety Hub via a two way referral process, including support on Acceptable Behaviour Contracts for more complex and vulnerable individuals. In addition, the premises can be used as an alternative safe place for vulnerable young people at night, addressing community vulnerability and enhancing feelings of being safe and feeling safe.

Activity Room Dividers, Family Life Church (FLC) Thirsk, Hambleton

£7,408 funding awarded

Family Life Church provide assistance to the local community and police team to reduce anti-social behaviour and demand and support collaborative working.  This is achieved by providing a safe place for vulnerable individuals at night, supported by provision to individuals to reduce alcohol fuelled disruptive behaviour.

In addition, Family Life Church provide counselling support to vulnerable pregnant females and a space for local community events.

Following an increase in demand, vandalism and anti-social behaviour, this funding will enable Family Life Church to partition their project base, to improve and expand the delivery of specialist interventions to vulnerable individuals and groups in the appropriate surroundings.

The project aims to support the police and other services at peak times of demand and enhance community safety for all.

Richmond Area Motorcycle Project, Richmondshire

£5,000 funding awarded

The motorcycle proficiency project engages with young people in order to reduce the amount of road traffic collisions/incidents and anti-social behaviour.

Funding will enable targeted young people, aged 13-19, identified via local police teams and the Community Safety Hub, to engage in an intervention course that increases their awareness and proficiency in off road motorcycling.

This project supports diversion and early intervention, together with providing a preventative approach to committing anti-social behaviour in the area and raising awareness of road safety.

The sessions encourage the young people to work as a group; promoting respect and resilience as well as diverting them away from potentially harmful situations which may lead to further risk-taking behaviour.

The course also provides an opportunity for the volunteer leaders to speak with the young people to address the underlying causes of behaviour and identify possible interventions to support positive change.

Colburn Youth Project Targeted Group, Richmondshire

£2,394 funding awarded

In response to an increase in anti-social behaviour in the local area, this diversionary project will engage with identified young people, referred by the Community Safety Hub, local police team and other agencies including Prince’s Trust, Prevention and Youth Justice, with the aim of positive engagement that supports behavioural change.

The Colburn Youth Project will work collaboratively with the local police team to promote positive relationships and break down barriers that might exist between young people and the police. PCSO’s will be asked to attend the project when possible and engage in positive activities with the young people. Trained staff will always be available for specific 1:1 needs and will sign post young people to specialist intervention as appropriate.

Young people will be empowered to engage and have been consulted about the programme activities to encourage participation.  They will receive free First Aid training and the offer of other accredited courses to support their on-going engagement.

The project will run at peak times of anti-social behaviour, providing diversionary activity and positive engagement.  Colburn Leisure Centre will also offer the young people on the course the chance to use the gym at a subsidised rate of £1 per session, giving the young people the opportunity to be engaged in positive activities daily.

Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team, Fence Installation

£9,460 funding awarded

The Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team covers the North York Moors, the surrounding towns and villages in Hambleton and Ryedale, the lower Tees Valley and along the North Yorkshire coast.

The team are on call 24-hrs a day and provide much needed assistance and support to North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and other emergency services, to support collaborative working and maximising use of effective resources as identified in the Police and Crime Plan.

Support is provided to a range of vulnerable people or risky situations, including vulnerable individuals who go missing on the fells and in and around the local towns and villages, to people injured walking, biking, climbing and horse riding.

Funding will support the installation of fencing at the rescue team’s base, to prevent crime and improve the security of the Mountain Rescue base, protecting it and its contents from intruders and others who, at present can easily gain access to the site.  The provision of fencing will enhance feelings of safety in addition to ensuring an active deterrent to crime and anti-social behaviour.

Scarborough Borough Council, Prevention and Detection of Environmental Crime

£5,000 funding awarded

Scarborough and surrounding area has a number of locations which have seen an on-going increase of fly-tipping and environmental offences, impacting on the quality of life of residents. The service has previously rolled out low cost remote CCTV cameras with only limited range, but demonstrating need.

Funding will support a portable device which can be moved in response to offence locations, enhancing the prevention and detection of environmental crime and enhancing working relationships with key landowners and NYP to support a collaborative approach.

Tadcaster and Rural Community Interest Company, Manor Farm Youth Centre, Skatepark, Selby

£7,889 funding awarded

Tadcaster and Rural CIC is a not for profit social enterprise established in 2013 to deliver projects which contribute towards the social, environmental and economic development and regeneration of Tadcaster and its surrounding its surrounding rural communities.

Funding will support the development and increased use of a mobile skatepark and skate club for young people, providing them with positive, diversionary activities in the local area, a key aim of the Community Fund and reducing their likelihood of engaging in negative behaviour.

To ensure young people can engage at key times of anti-social behaviour, the park will initially open twice a week through term time at Manor Farm, after school hours, and daily from 11.30 am – 5pm during holidays (weather permitting). It will be transported to outlying villages on demand and based on need. Volunteers will be trained to be able to erect, dismantle, transport and supervise the skatepark to ensure its sustainability.

York and Selby Integrated Offender Management Gym Memberships

£800 funding awarded

Supporting a diversionary approach to reducing re-offending, this project will provide the opportunity for a targeted group of offenders the chance to use a local gym to exercise and use their time differently, maintaining mental health and physical wellbeing. Funding will be used to purchase Gym Memberships through the local council authorities to support collaborative working.

The project aims to support a long-term, positive change in offending behaviour to a target group of individuals.  If an offender maintains the engagement that is required by Agencies involved, adheres to the conditions of any orders given and remains offence free, then the chance to possess one of the gym passes for a month will be given and regularly reviewed. If any new offences or charges are made against the offender, access to this project will be removed and needs will be re-assessed.

Those taking part will gain training and experience of physical training equipment. Supporting rehabilitation and positive physical and mental health, the opportunity will provide the change in lifestyle that some may need, with the aim of reducing re-offending and ensuring a more constructive use of time, focusing on healthier lifestyles.

First Light Trust Marching Forward, Countywide

£2,476 funding awarded

FirstLight’s mission is to provide holistic support and rehabilitate veterans, and those transitioning out of the both the Armed Forces and the Emergency Services, enabling them to move back into their community and support independence.

Funding will support the purchase of new equipment for the hub, which veterans, together with the general public, can access seven days a week and meet others, access initial support and receive onward referral as appropriate, reducing feelings of isolation.

The atmosphere resembles a NAAFI, whereby stories and memories are shared.  The items purchased will be accessible for all and will enable Veterans to wash and dry clothing, and to cook basic food meals, using produce from the community garden. Funding will also pay for a carpet for the social room, which is being prepared for training sessions and social activities.  The room will be made available for local groups and charities for a small fee.

Providing this much needed provision, particularly during the winter months, stops vulnerable individuals feeling isolated, encourages healthy eating and reduces electricity bills for many with limited income, supporting the Police and Crime Plan aim of Caring about the Vulnerable.

For further information, please contact First Light Trust: www.firstlighttrust.co.uk

Wake-Up Call, North Yorkshire Youth

£17,159 funding  awarded

Funding will support the countywide pilot and roll out of Wake up Call; a 4-week course for young people at risk of disengagement, school exclusion and those engaging in low level racist/ political behaviour or hate crime.  The course sits in the pre Prevent space focussing on the lower level hate crime agenda, a key priority of North Yorkshire Police’s Children and Young People’s strategy and North Yorkshire Youth Commission.

Supporting the Police and Crime plan objective to reduce harm to those at greater risk, the programme aims include re-routing negative views, beliefs and behaviour into positive attitudes used in young people’s daily life. Sessions will look at views of hate crime, faith, racism and disorder from different perspectives, through an interactive, train the trainer approach built around a number of thought provoking and creative activities.

12 ‘train the trainer’ sessions will be delivered in 2020 to practitioners who will then deliver the module to targeted young people, enhancing the sustainability of the project.  This will be supported by NYY Youth Mentors who can deliver this module in a 1-2-1 environment to supplement their work with hard to reach young people and Youth Commissioners will be invited to peer educate young people using their Hate crime workshop.

Wake-Up Call Project- Case Study

About the Project:

Wake-Up Call is a Prejudice and Hate Crime Prevention project, collaborating with 24 secondary schools in North Yorkshire, with students in Years 9-13. The two-day course is run by two North Yorkshire Youth workers, targeting young people who risk the danger of becoming radicalised, committing hate crimes, or displaying negative radical behaviour. Students are given the opportunity to challenge negative behaviours, beliefs and prejudices, as well as giving young people the confidence to prevent hate crimes in future.

To date they have held courses in over 18 schools, colleges, and pupil referral units in North Yorkshire.

Key Impacts from the project:

  • Risedale Sports and Community College:
    • Held a Fiji Day, where Fijian students led an educational experience on Fijian culture, shared their traditional dances, meals, quizzes, and games with the other students. As a result, Fiji Day is now held once a year.
    • Houses of Parliament Day, where the main topic of discussion was the difference between right- and left-wing politics and when politics can become extreme. Some students showed strong views which were challenged by staff and peers. The pupils said that they wanted to know more about these topics and asked to talk to their local MP. This proposal has been put into place.
  • St. John Fishers Catholic High School:
    • A group of students showed many negative opinions on legal and illegal immigrants. The course challenged these ideas and led to 3 students asking to become school Hate Crime Ambassadors and Wake-Up Call Ambassadors.
  • Thirsk High School:
    • After a debating session with a group that had expressed radical opinions, views changed. A student who was a regular absentee showed genuine enthusiasm for the course and made extra arrangements to ensure they were present.
  • Skipton Academy:
    • Discussion about the difference between being a Muslim and a terrorist hiding behind Islam. At the end of the course 2 students asked to be Anti-Racism Ambassadors and another asked to be a LGBTQIA+ Ambassador.
  • Bedale School and Scalby School:
    • Both schools had sessions discussing legislation, the penalties for hate crimes, and the effects of weapon possession was provided by the NYP School Liaison Team to a group who had used discriminatory language.
  • King James School:
    • Students were directed to a youth club by the Wake-Up call team after discussing that the reason they have negative ideologies is because they have too much time on their hands. North Yorkshire Youth are working with local boxing clubs to provide free sessions for young people.
  • George Pinder School:
    • The NYY team later spoke with local youth clubs and youth workers to make sure they encourage young people to learn and become ambassadors for school, youth clubs and the community.
  • LGBT Youth Clubs:
    • Set up in schools including Ripon Outwood School, Risedale Sports and Community College, and Skipton Academy, due to students asking for them.

Main challenges:

  • Course adapting to changing needs;
    • Main concerns in schools now are the misunderstanding of transgender people, misogynistic and toxic views against women.
  • Initial challenge to identify the right participants;
    • Some students are unable to change these views but can now understand what is acceptable in society;
    • Students who are still deemed a concern will have one to one session with staff. For low level Prevent concerns that didn’t have the Wake-Up Call course, Change Direction Youth Mentors help these students.

Good News/Positive Feedback/Personal Stories:

  • The OPFCC commissioned Change Direction service aims to prevent young people entering the youth justice system. The Wake-Up Call and Change Direction projects complement each other well and schools have often asked for Wake-Up Call after a Change Direction presentation and vice versa.

Bradley Parish Councils, Traffic Island, Craven

£3,000 funding awarded

As part of a wider road safety project, funding will support safety improvements to a dangerous road junction, with risk of traffic accidents reported through local consultation as residents greatest safety concern.

Installation of traffic calming measures aim to improve the safety of this junction for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles occupants.  It is particularly hazardous for pedestrians due to the volume of fast-flowing traffic and the presence of a busy junction and a bus stop with no layby. This is particularly dangerous for children, the elderly and less mobile.

The project aims to support the local residents to feel and be safer in their local community, a key priority of the Police and Crime Plan

Sutton Bank Variable Management Signs, Hambleton

£5,000 funding awarded

As part of a wider road safety project to enhance local residents’ safety, funding will support the installation of Variable Management Signs connected to sensors in the road on Sutton Bank, to provide fast and up to date road traffic information to approaching vehicles when blockages occur.

Advance information will protect road users from unexpected impediment to the safe, free passage of the highway according to regulations for the Primary Route Network; it will allow approaching vehicles to reroute safely, and it will reduce consequent diversions through unsuitable routes adversely affecting other local communities.

The project aims to support the local residents to feel and be safer in their local community, a key priority of the Police and Crime Plan.

Eggborough Village Hall, Security Provision, Selby

£1,880 funding awarded

Aligned to the Community Fund aim of preventing crime and anti-social behaviour, funding will support the improvement of security measures at the village hall, through anti-climb paint and anti-climb deterrent measures.

The project aims to reduce the amount of anti social behaviour taking place around the village hall, damage to users cars and property and provide vulnerable users with an enhanced feeling of safety in their local community .

Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, Creating Well-rounded young people, Selby

£11,400 funding awarded

Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles aims to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) through providing targeted diversionary and engaging activities during school holidays for young people aged 6-17, utilising community assets.  Funding will support the need to fill the gap in ASB prevention and aim to reduce the likelihood of young people committing future offences through early intervention and targeted work.

The project aims to stop the cyclical effect of ASB within sibling groups and target specific individuals to promote positive behaviour change and create well-rounded young people. The project will work with fifteen groups in key primary schools identified through existing statistics, partnerships with teachers and the Safer Selby Hub, ensuring those most in need benefit from the provision.

Split across term time and school holiday provision, a range of diversionary activities within educational and community settings will be delivered.    Workshops will be delivered with each group over 90-minute sessions for 12 consecutive academic weeks covering disciplines including resilience and understanding consequences of ASB, self-esteem, community cohesion/hate crime, personal safety/safety of others and values.

Men’s Lunch Club, The Hut, York

£4,160 funding awarded

The Hut is a members-led, volunteer-based charity bringing creativity and purpose to the lives of adults with enduring mental health conditions and/or learning disabilities.  The project offers support, guidance and advice both, short and long term to vulnerable individuals who are often hard to reach and unable to access other services.

Funding will support expansion of the Men’s Lunch Club; an initiative that operates on a continuous, weekly basis providing opportunity for vulnerable individuals to meet in a safe, confidential, non-judgemental and supportive environment. MLC aims to sustain a free service which adopts an open-door policy, encouraging involvement from vulnerable male adults.

The purpose of Men’s Lunch Club is to promote good mental and physical health through, educational discussions and meaningful activities that involve pertinent topics such as; living a healthier lifestyle, identifying triggers, establishing coping strategies and where and when to seek help.  The aim is to establish a community, a place where help can be sought and a gateway to the rest of The Hut services.

Men’s Lunch Club promotes social inclusion, independence and a sense of belonging, supporting the key Police and Crime Plan aim of Caring about the Vulnerable and ensuring effective support to those at greater risk through poor mental health.

Kyra ROSE (Reaching Out, Supporting and Empowering) project, York

£9,052.00 funding awarded

Kyra provides ongoing practical and emotional support to vulnerable women and delivers a range of services and courses to help them cope and be empowered to respond to challenges such as un-employment, redundancy, and social isolation.

Aligned to the Police and Crime Plan aims of Caring About the Vulnerable to support an improved response and reduce harm to people at greater risk, this new project is aimed at increasing the participation of young, isolated women aged 18-27 in Kyra Women’s Project. The project will adopt a diversionary, preventative and supportive approach, working in partnership with other key services.

The project will actively engage this targeted group in the training, activities and courses that Kyra offers in order to:

  • prevent young women from becoming involved in anti-social or offending behaviour (diversionary);
  • support vulnerable young women who could become (or who already are) victims of abuse – (preventative);
  • help young women feel more safe generally (supportive).

The project is designed to help young women empower themselves to stay safe, reduce their likelihood of becoming victims and ultimately to overcome the barriers that prevent them from fulfilling their potential.

Wigginton Sports and Playing Field Association (WSPFA) Community Pavilion Project, York

£3,730.00 funding awarded

As part of a wider Community Pavilion build project, for use by local community and sporting clubs from a range of ages, backgrounds and abilities, this funding will support the purchase of additional security and target hardening measures, to ensure a pro-active approach to building security and the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour.

WSPFA provides and manages the recreational facilities to benefit the residents of the parish of Wigginton in York.

WSPFA is planning to enhance community cohesion and the recreational experience for both the sports teams and non-sports people in the community by building a Community Pavilion.

Tempus Novo North Yorkshire Service

£15,796.00 funding awarded

Tempus Novo’s aim is help offenders and former offenders gain sustainable employment, thereby reducing crime and enabling them to live positive lives in the community. This funding will support prison leavers returning to and serving community orders in North Yorkshire.

The innovative approach starts in prison and includes a covenant between the offender and Tempus Novo, with strong partnership work with prospective employers.

The project will work with 40 offenders during the life of the project, aiming to place them into employment and receive six months support, available whenever it is needed.

Tempus Novo will work actively with NPS, CRC and other partner agencies across North Yorkshire to ensure an holistic approach to support.