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Community Fund projects 2017/18

£280,774 awarded to 26 projects

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Connecting Youth Culture ‘One Community’ project, North Yorkshire countywide

£11,970 funding awarded

One Community aims to address diversity issues within targeted local communities and support young people to understand these better through the use of art. The project aims to support the most vulnerable groups within these communities and help them to celebrate difference.

Aiming to build awareness and celebrate these diversities with young people across the County, by creating a Countywide exhibition project where a targeted area within each district work with artists and qualified staff to create a large scale piece of art that represents their own communities.

Each district will work with a Connecting Youth Culture facilitator and artist to design and create a six week arts project within a targeted setting that has been identified in partnership by local need. These areas will design and create large scale visual pieces of art work such as sculptures, murals or a range of other art forms to celebrate the diversity within their own communities.

North Yorkshire Police Lifestyle Challenge 2017, Countywide

£2,189 funding awarded

Lifestyle is a competition that encourages groups of young people between the ages of 10 -17 to get involved in their community, by coming up with a project that they can carry out over the summer holidays that is of benefit to someone or something in the community.

It aims to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour over the holiday period by having the participants involved in a positive venture, to improve relations between the police/partnership agencies and young people and to give young people the opportunity to take an interest in their communities by looking to see what improvements can be made and how they can make like better for the residents.

Resurrection Bikes New Computer Project, Harrogate

£1,000 funding awarded

The funding will support the purchase of a new computer for the project whose main aim is to fix up donated bikes and sell them to raise funds for several charities.  The project also donate fixed bikes to people in need and unfixed bikes for use in prison training projects.

The project was established in late 2014 and has grown rapidly with 900 bikes donated in 2016 and a team of around 20 volunteers.  The workshop has had seven young people attending for community reparation and six Duke of Edinburgh volunteers on 12 week placements.  Recently, volunteer places have also  been given to unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Harrogate.

The replacement computer is essential to enable this level of operation to continue and to develop it further in future.  The aim is to operate the workshop on additional days and to develop volunteering roles supporting the admin activities.

Harrogate Integrated Offender Management, Gym Memberships, Harrogate and Craven District, Hambleton and Richmondshire

£2,820 funding awarded

The project will provide the opportunity for a targeted group of offenders the chance to use a local gym to exercise and use their time differently, maintaining mental health and physical wellbeing.

Funding will be used to purchase Gym Memberships in the above areas through the local council authorities. If an offender maintains the engagement that is required by Agencies involved, adheres to the conditions of any orders given and remains offence free, then the chance to possess one of the gym passes for a month will be given and regularly reviewed. If any new offences or charges are made against the offender, access to this project will be removed.

Those taking part will gain training and experience of physical training equipment. Supporting rehabilitation, the opportunity will provide the change in lifestyle that some may need, with the aim of reducing re-offending and ensuring a more constructive use of time, focusing on healthier lifestyles.

Harrogate Integrated Offender Management, None contact boxing and fitness, Harrogate and Craven District

£2,000 funding awarded

The project will provide none contact boxing classes and fitness sessions for a target group of offenders recently dealt with at court or recently released from prison.

Those taking part will be provided with the opportunity to experience the physical training aspect of the sport of boxing, other general fitness sessions, positive mental health benefits and gain knowledge regarding nutrition or dietary needs in relation to a healthier lifestyle with structure, routine and a level of discipline. Sessions will include individually tailored exercise routines along with team exercise work to accommodate different levels of ability and development.

In taking part in such a project, the aim is support rehabilitation, improvement engagement of  offenders with police and partner agencies and reduce re-offending.

Nesfield Close Neighbourhood Watch, Community Neighbours Against Anti-Social Behaviour, Harrogate

£1,500 funding awarded

The funding will be used to support the installation of protective measures for the street / properties that support the residents to feel safer.

Pro-active, multi-agency work and outreach will continue to take place in the area and partners will work together, continue to monitor and review.

Pannal Sports Junior Foot Club, Community Hub project, Harrogate

£3,300 funding awarded

The funding will be used to support the installation of a security alarm that supports crime prevention and improved feelings of safety.

The project aims to provide sustainable opportunities for the community of Pannal and its surrounding area, to participate in sport and healthy lifestyle activities, through the provision of a purpose-built community hub. It will provide opportunities for community integration thereby creating a safe and stronger community whilst providing opportunities to improve physical wellbeing, individual development and social & community development.

Bower Street Improvement Group, Harrogate

£8,760 funding awarded

Bower Street improvement groups aims to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime in the local area, enabling local businesses and residents to feel safer. This will be achieved through refurbishment and improvements to the area, enabling safer access for local residents and businesses.

Harrogate Homeless Project, No Second Night Out

£20,000 funding awarded

Awarded the funding to specifically support the longer-term sustainability of No Second Night Out, emergency accommodation project within the Harrogate and surrounding District.   

No Second Night Out provides a targeted response, the principle aim being to provide a solution to rough sleeping for those aged over 18 who are not owed a statutory duty. Referrals are made directly by clients, members of the public, Police, Probation, Prisons, Hospital, Mental Health, GPs, Local Authority, North Yorkshire Horizons as well as voluntary sector organisations. Anyone sleeping rough is offered emergency shelter, a comprehensive assessment and a sustainable offer of accommodation.

Harrogate Homeless Project addresses homelessness across the Harrogate and Rural surrounding District.

Read the press release: Cash-strapped homeless charity enjoys some seasonal cheer after being awarded £20K lifeline funding

Cliffe Playing Field Association, Playing Field Regneration Project, Selby

£7,690 funding awarded

The funding will be used to support the installation of a new fence and self-closing single pedestrian access gate in the community park that enables the local community to access safe sports, leisure play and recreation.

This is part of a wider re-generation project in the area, aiming to improve community cohesion, support greater integration and diversionary activity.

Alcohol Education Trust, SEND alcohol resource and training, Countywide

£13,785 funding awarded

The Alcohol Education Trust (AET) support children to learn to stay safe around alcohol through work in schools, youth/sports clubs across Britain. They train teachers, guide parents and provide engaging fun interactive resources that build knowledge, resilience and life skills to help them learn how to look after themselves and others around alcohol.

The funding will support an extension of specialist resources and support to North Yorkshire and York SEN schools, Pupil Referral Units, NYP Youth Officers and mainstream schools to support all children aged 11-18, but in particular, those with special educational needs who may be vulnerable to abuse and alcohol related harm. Settings will have the full AET SEND resource pack and tailored teacher training in how to implement the programme. AET will also provide 250 ‘Alcohol & You’ information guides per school for young people and 250 ‘Talking to Kids About Alcohol’ information guides for parents/carers per school, 10 parent information sessions and on-going email and phone support for staff.

Adult Education Trust- Case Study

About the Project:

The aim of this project was to provide Alcohol Awareness workshops to four teacher training sessions and 10 parent information sessions, together with supporting resources, to 42 secondary schools, 10 SEN schools and 5 Pupil Referral Units across North Yorkshire.

The project exceeded expectations and delivered:

  • 24 training sessions
  • 80 ‘Talk About Alcohol Activity’ resources
  • 56 Teacher Workbooks
  • Schools and agencies provided with Talk About Alcohol guides for parents and ‘Alcohol & You’- 16+ years Leaflets

Key Impacts from the project:

  • ‘Talk About Alcohol’ training sessions delivered to a variety of agencies and schools working with students aged 11-18 in SEN schools, mainstream schools, and virtual schools.
  • Partnerships developed with North Yorkshire Police Community Safety Teams, School nurses, Young Farmers, North Yorkshire Youth Commission, North Yorkshire Youth, Youth Justice Service, The Princes Trust;
    • Joint delivery with North Yorkshire Youth Commission, embedding the Alcohol Clock Games into the Youth Commission’s KYMS (Keeping Your Mates Safe) game
    • Delivery from Community Safety Teams
  • Raised awareness of age of youth drinking, binge drinking, drunkenness and its dangers.

Main challenges:

  • Limited interaction due to covid restrictions
    • Virtual sessions worked well considering the circumstances;
    • Help from the Community Safety team, schools, and other partner agencies enabled the circulation of ‘Talking to Kids’ leaflets to parents.

Good News/Positive Feedback/Personal Stories:

  • “Fantastic course and training with very user-friendly activities and resources.” North Yorkshire Youth
  • “Excellent input, I really enjoyed the interactions and the session as a whole …. I will develop the engagements with colleagues” North Yorkshire Police.
  • “I’ve really enjoyed this training and felt I’ve learnt loads and will take a complete different approach with the young people who support” Princes Trust

North Yorkshire Police, Little Police Officers, Countywide

£2,700 funding awarded

The funding will support the purchase of child-friendly, police officer signs to be placed outside schools across the county. The initiative, derived from Knaresborough NPT, aims to encourage safer parking near school premises, promoting road safety and safer access for all children arriving and leaving school.

Craven Open Door, Club Room, Craven

£1,000 funding awarded

Craven Open Door is a social club providing support for people with learning difficulties of any level. This club is the only one of its type that serves the whole of Craven, offering a range of social activities, including art, crafts watching videos listening to music playing table tennis etc.

To enable to continuation of the project, the funding is to support a short-term gap in premises contribution.

Burton in Lonsdale Parish Council, Footpath to recreation ground, Craven

£2,000 funding awarded

The funding will support a contribution towards the development of a footpath, alongside a carriageway, to the local recreation ground. The initiative has been identified following local consultation, with the aim of encouraging walking or cycling to the recreation ground by providing a safe route.

Christ Church Smart Water Treatment, Harrogate

£227 funding awarded

The funding will enable the application of Smartwater to the parish centre and church roof, supporting crime prevention and preventing damage.

Swaledale Outdoor Club, Colburn Bridleway Upgrade, Richmondshire

£2,100 funding awarded

The funding will provide a contribution towards resurfacing two sections of bridleway and supporting road safety.

Whitby in Bloom, Cliffe Street Wonderland, Scarborough

£5,862 funding awarded

The funding will be used to support the development of a new community garden, by enabling the purchase and installation of crime prevention equipment.

The project will involve people on the Community payback scheme, offering them the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the issues faced by locals, encouraging a decrease in the levels of anti-social behaviour and reducing the chances of repeat offending.

Whitby in Bloom exists to promote horticulture for the benefit of the public and those who live in or visit Whitby. Volunteer led, the charity conserves, protects and improves the physical, natural and heritage environment.

Changing Lives Women’s Project, Scarborough

£15,900 funding awarded

This research project will employ a specialist support worker to work closely with other agencies to support and involve women to conduct peer research into the nature and extent of sex work, modern day slavery, trafficking, survival sex and sexual exploitation in Scarborough, to provide greater insight and inform future service delivery.

Changing Lives will deliver a multi-agency training programme to staff from key agencies, improving confidence and capacity to recognise and work with these issues.

Changing Lives provides specialist support to 6,000 vulnerable people each month, across the North and Midlands, helping the people most in need, tackling social exclusion in every form and supporting people to make positive, lasting changes to their lives. Across North Yorkshire, Changing Lives provides both recovery and accommodation services.

Changing Lives Women’s Project, York

£15,900 funding awarded

This research project will employ a specialist support worker to work closely with other agencies to support and involve women to conduct peer research into the nature and extent of sex work, survival sex and sexual exploitation in York, to provide greater insight and inform future service delivery.

Changing Lives will deliver a multi-agency training programme to staff from key agencies, improving confidence and capacity to recognise and work with these issues.
Changing Lives provides specialist support to 6,000 vulnerable people each month, across the North and Midlands, helping the people most in need, tackling social exclusion in every form and supporting people to make positive, lasting changes to their lives. Across North Yorkshire, Changing Lives provides both recovery and accommodation services.

Reshape (formerly Yorkshire Humberside and Lincolnshire Circles of Support and Accountability), Countywide 

£20,000 funding awarded

Reshape is a community project that works to educate and empower the community to safeguard itself from sexual Harm by empowering the community to be the solution.  The overall aim, aligned to the Police and Crime Plan aim of Caring About the Vulnerable is ‘no more victims’ and the project aims to achieve this through operating a collaborative approach across victim and perpetrator services.

The hub will be a partnership project where the community continues to be the change makers, to increase awareness and understanding of sexual harm and support agencies in ensuring some of the most vulnerable individuals in society are protected from harm.  This funding will support the development activities within North Yorkshire’s first sexual harm prevention hub, including launch events, raising awareness campaigns, learning sessions, community development sessions.

The hubs reach will be extensive with each project aligning their current objectives. It will also introduce the power of volunteers to organisations who have never considered the possibilities, aiming to enhance collaborative working and support a sustainable approach to long-term change

North Yorkshire Police Lifestyle Project, Countywide

£5,000 funding awarded

Lifestyle is a police-led competition that encourages groups of young people between the ages of 10 -17 to get involved in their community by designing and delivering a project to carry out over the summer holidays, that is of benefit to someone or something in the community.

It aims to reduce ASB and enhance community cohesion over this key time by having the participants involved in a positive venture, to improve relations between the police/partnership agencies and young people.  Young people are given the opportunity to take an interest in their communities by looking to see what improvements can be made and how they can make life better for the residents.

Whilst Lifestyle is a fully inclusive competition, targeted work is carried out with those at risk of disengagement, who have already come to the attention of the police and/or social service/youth support services to support a positive change in behaviour and reduce their likelihood of becoming involved in offending or anti-social behaviour.

DISC Women’s Diversion Project, Countywide

£18, 142 funding awarded

Funding will support the expansion of this diversionary scheme, currently operating in Scarborough and Harrogate, to a countywide basis.  The WDS has two clear objectives;

  • Reduce offending by women within North Yorkshire by diverting them away from the Criminal Justice System.
  • Reduce the number of women re-entering the Criminal Justice System by providing alternative effective interventions, informed by assessment.

This expanded project will provide the opportunity to develop increased partnership working between DISC, PCC and NYP, to reduce reoffending and protect vulnerable people within the North Yorkshire community.

The assessment tool is designed so WDS Workers can devise an action plan and deliver appropriate interventions to achieve a positive outcome. This includes; five mandated 1:1 session with further support available via women’s groups that are delivered in community venues.  Outreach work is available for those that are unable to travel to the sessions.

Women can continue to access group activities on a voluntary basis when they have completed mandatory sessions with their worker, to support long-term positive change in behaviour.

North Yorkshire County Council Trading Standards, Operation Gauntlet Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team

£12,516 funding awarded

Technological solutions for victims of phone frauds and raising awareness project

Multi-agency safeguarding team aim to reduce the harm caused to vulnerable and elderly adults at risk of, and victims of, fraud and financial abuse through pursuing offenders, preventing offending behaviour, and protecting and safeguarding victims.

Supporting the Police and Crime Plan aim of an improved response and reduced harm to people at greater risk, funding will support the purchase of:

  • 100 TrueCall digital call blocker devices, to be installed at the homes of victims of phone frauds and those at high risk of such frauds, identified through Operation Gauntlet, Action Fraud referrals, North Yorkshire Police, NYCC Health and Adult Services and from other third parties;
  • 5,000 “Little Big Book of Scams” leaflets to provide as an awareness-raising resource to vulnerable and elderly residents at risk of frauds, those in a caring situation for such individuals at risk and to victims of such frauds to help prevent repeat victimisation and empower vulnerable individuals to keep themselves safe.

North Yorkshire Police and National Farmers Union – Quad Tracker project, Craven

£1,000 funding awarded

Following a sharp increase in theft, this crime prevention project will work with the NFU and Tracker to offer a discounted purchase price and annual subscription on Tracker products.

Addressing Rural Crime is a key priority for North Yorkshire and the money provided by the Community Fund will contribute to the purchase price of the Tracker for use on Land Rover Quads in the Craven area, a key, targeted area.

The project aims to reduce the number of thefts and enhance perceptions of safety with an improved response to a targeted group of victims.

Advocacy Alliance – STOP (Safeguarding, Training and Prevention) project , Countywide

£19,206 funding awarded

This funding will support the Alliance to expand the recently developed safeguarding adults training package and associated resources for vulnerable adults on a countywide basis.

The project aims to empower this group of people to make them aware of mate/hate crime, how to stay safe, who to inform and report concerns to, by having the self-confidence to speak out, reducing the incidents of these types of crime.

Advocacy Alliance provides free, independent and confidential advocacy support and training to vulnerable individuals living in Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale.

North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Search and Rescue Teams, Countywide

£15,000 awarded (£3,000 per Volunteer Search and Rescue Team)

The Search and Rescue teams operating in North Yorkshire, comprising of Cave Rescue Organisation, Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association, Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team, Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team and Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team are all made up of volunteers who provide invaluable support and resource to North Yorkshire Police and partner organisations all year round.

The teams will present 24hrs a day/365 days a year and will often incur loss of earnings or take time off from their full time jobs, to provide resources to often critical incidents that require an immediate response.

The funding will support each team to continue their work, update essential equipment and kit, and provide training to team members.

Newby and Scalby Community Hall Trust, Seen and Safe Project, Scarborough

£2,348 funding awarded

Newby and Scalby Community Trust provide a safe and inclusive community space for residents and visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The community hall offers the widest range of sport, leisure and social activities to foster good local relationships between people and enable active and healthy lifestyles that are indicative of a strong community.

The funding will support the installation of two battery maintained solar flood lights, to greatly enhance lighting and visibility in the car park, to deter crime and anti-social behaviour during the hours of darkness.  The project aims to result in greater confidence, reduce fear of crime and greater use of the Hall at night by groups who currently feel at risk from crime in an area they feel is too dark and intimidating.

Peasholme Charity, ‘Next Steps’ Rough Sleepers Project, York

£17,221 funding awarded

‘Next Steps’ provides intensive support and tenancy coaching for rough sleepers and single homeless people; focusing on the delivery of support to people with multiple complex needs and who are facing barriers within existing housing pathways.

‘Next Steps’ utilises elements of existing housing pathways in York; facilitating a tailored one-to-one approach to supporting individuals with complex needs to gain a secure home.

Peasholme Charity has successfully achieved 2 years funding through the Nationwide Community Fund, and the Community Fund funding will provide match funding for the project, enabling the organisation to increase service delivery to full time over the project length.

Peasholme Charity provides homeless prevention and resettlement services for disadvantaged and excluded people, primarily those experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.

Stop Hate UK, Signposting and Reporting Training, Countywide

£4,400 funding awarded

The funding will be used for training a range of Signposting Centres across the county, promoting the importance of hate crime reporting, awareness raising, understanding of hate crime, immediate support and onward referral.

Stop Hate UK are a national lead in Hate Crime services with 22 years’ experience of providing emotional support, advice, reporting, challenging Hate Crime and supporting others to do so. Key services include a 24 hour 3rd party reporting Help Lines for all nationally monitored Hate Crime strands and beyond, challenging Online Hate.

Parents 4 Parents, Rosie’s Rainbow Programme, Richmondshire

£10,500 funding awarded

The funding will be used to support the development of two Peer Support Groups for parent victims of Domestic Abuse and associated training for volunteer peer supporters.

The project aims to support up to 40 parents across both groups and train a further 6 volunteer peer supporters.  Parents 4 Parents will work in partnership with other services to ensure a joined-up , multi-agency approach to training and delivery of these groups.

Parents 4 Parents is run by and for parents from military and civilian families in North Yorkshire, to offer free peer support to parents who are facing difficult circumstances when expecting or looking after their children.  Trained volunteers offer confidential personal support to parents, run small groups where parents get to know and support each other, and organise events for parents and children to enjoy.

North Yorkshire and York Naloxone Kit Schemes

£29,376 funding total across both areas (£18,360 NY and £11,016 York)

Funding provided via Public Health, to purchase Naloxone take home kits for an initial two year pilot period across North Yorkshire and York.  The aim is to encourage vulnerable individuals to engage in structured support and treatment to address their substance misuse as part of the agreed service model, to reduce drug-related deaths.

Provision will be incorporated into wider service models beyond the pilot period.

Edgehill Community Association – Edgehill Junior Club, Scarborough

£6,562 funding awarded

Funding will support a pilot junior club for local, targeted children aged between the ages of 8 and 11. The Junior Club will provide a safe and stable environment within the Falsgrave Community Resource Centre. The project will work with local young people and provide a range of positive activities such as; arts and crafts, homework club, themed workshops, IT activities and training.

This project will support the Police and Crime Plan aim of reinforcing local policing, through building a partnership with North Yorkshire Police and local PCSOs, where officers will be able to come to the sessions and engage with the young people and their scheduled activities to improve relationships.

Local young people between the ages of 8 and 11 who are known to the Police as suspected of being at risk of slipping into low-level crime and anti-social behaviour will be actively encouraged to attend the club, with the aim of them feel included in the local community. The Junior Club will run for a two hour evening session every week during school term time and will be delivered by a mixture of paid staff and volunteers.

Edgehill Community Association are a multi-purpose community-based charity that exists to improve the quality of life for residents of the Edgehill Estate in Scarborough and surrounding area. Activities include a community café, OFSTED registered childcare and activities for older people.

North Yorkshire Black Police Association, Stephen Lawrence 25-year memorial day workshop

£300 funding awarded 

Supporting a pro-active, positive approach to community cohesion, funding will support the delivery of the above training, which aims to improve awareness and understanding for frontline staff and officers, of the wide range of diverse communities in North Yorkshire.

The training aims to offer an improved response and delivery of service for victims of crime, a key aim of the Police and Crime Plan to support an improved response and approach to those at greater risk of harm.  This will be achieved by supporting the development of a workforce with an excellent understanding of vulnerability in all its forms; increased awareness aims to enhance diverse communities feelings of safety and value.