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Community Fund projects 2015/16

£260,381 awarded to 31 projects

Hand in Hand, The Children’s Society

Grant Awarded: £20,000.00

This project has been organised by the Children’s Society to work with young people up to the age of 21 who are affected by Child Sexual Exploitation. The funding will enable a worker to become part of an established and well regarded child exploitation team, who will benefit from being managed by an experienced Senior Practitioner and Programme Manager with over 12 years’ experience of supporting issues surrounding child exploitation.  Recently a preventative practitioner began work, with some very positive feedback from a number of sessions undertaken, with the following comments noted;

  • “I have learnt that rapists aren’t just old men”
  • “I have learnt what happens when people are groomed”
  • “The part of today that was most interesting was talking about Facebook and how it can be dangerous”
  • “I learnt that you can get into trouble for sending nudes”
  • “It was interesting learning how strangers get close to you”
  • “I now know it can happen to boys”
  • “I have learnt that I need to turn my privacy settings on Facebook because anyone can see your photos”
  • “We want another Session!”


Skipton Extended Learning for All (SELFA)

Grant Awarded: £15,547.50

SELFA aim to provide a range of activities for vulnerable, disadvantaged and disabled children who live in the Skipton and Craven district of North Yorkshire.

Throughout the year, the group offer a range of fun and inspiring out-of-school workshops, a holiday club and specialist after-school clubs; as well as trips for children and young people, ensuring continuity of support and aspiration of the group of young people through their teenage years which will ultimately impact on their mental, emotional and social wellbeing and improving their overall life prospects.

Next Steps Mental Health Resource Centre

Grant Awarded: £5,000.00

The Centre supports adults with mental health issues in Ryedale through the provision of localised support, emotional guidance, information, rehabilitative activities and training opportunities.  Next Steps aims to develop self-confidence, improve work prospects and access to statutory services and help support family cohesion.  We support people across Ryedale, North Yorkshire. The Next Steps Community Café provides members with, structured activities, work and training opportunities. The café is open to all Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm, offering an excellent range of home-cooked snacks and meals.  The café focuses on healthy food and cooking and serving food as a nurturing, social activity.  They promote a healthy outlook by operating an informal weight loss group ‘Norton Nibblers’ which has helped members lose weight in a controlled way.

NYC Trading Standards

Grant Awarded: £13,150.00

The Multi Agency Safeguarding Team aim to reduce the threat, harm and impact of financial abuse on vulnerable adults within North Yorkshire through a range of crime types including doorstep crime, scam mail, investment, courier and romance frauds, and financial abuse by family members, carers and powers of attorney.  It was formed in recognition of the fact that these crimes form an increasing threat to vulnerable adults within our communities, that victims of such crimes require an improved response and that the impact of such crimes goes beyond mere financial losses, that significant work could be done in relation to the prevention of such crimes, and in view of the demographics within North Yorkshire and the associated issues of social isolation and loneliness and the dementia challenge.

Richmond Area Motorcycle Proficiency Scheme

Grant Awarded: £1,500.00

The project provides courses held over a weekend for those aged between 13 and 19yr to create awareness of and become proficient at off road motorcycling.  This not only gives them somewhere to be and something to do so that they are not committing anti-social behaviour or crime in the area but also raises and increases their awareness of road safety; engendering respect into the them when they are using the motorcycles to ensure that they grow that respect as they become young adults in the area.

Harrogate & Ripon Centres for Voluntary Service (HARCVS)

Grant Awarded: £1,390.00

HARCVS aims to run three training sessions around North Yorkshire and York on how to involve volunteers with a history of offending. Training is to be delivered to a minimum of 20 Volunteer Managers.  The project aims to prevent people from becoming offenders or repeat offenders by upskilling Volunteer Managers to offer more inclusive volunteer roles; and enabling people with an offending history to access and benefit from new rewarding volunteering opportunities.

The Joseph Trust

Grant Awarded: £6,000.00

The Joseph Trust teaches practical skills to students disengaged from mainstream education, and build their confidence and self-esteem. Helping them to re-engage with mainstream school, and prepare them for the workplace, the Trust aims to do this by reducing the likelihood of their involvement in crime, either as perpetrators or victims.  The project is to complete the construction of a polytunnel and to build 23 outdoor raised beds to grow fresh produce for York based charities and not-for-profit initiatives including, the York Foodbank, Carecent, The Real Junk Food Project and Christians Against Poverty.

Get Hooked on Fishing (GHoF)

Grant Awarded: £17,280.00

GHoF improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people by using angling as an exciting and innovative diversionary activity that develops a broad range of skills opening up brighter futures. Our delivery is also specifically designed to bring communities closer together increasing cohesion and improving social inclusion.  The project aims to improve water safety awareness of communities bordering on the River’s Foss and Ouse including Heworth, Clifton and Guildhall ensuring that younger residents in particular understand how to stay safe around water and not endanger others. This guidance will be delivered as part of GHoF’s inclusive angling programme targeting disadvantaged young people aged 8-18 and their communities working to increase educational achievement, raise aspirations and reduce local anti-social behaviour.

Get Cycling CIC

Grant Awarded: £10,000.00

Get Cycling aim to make cycling accessible for everyone regardless of ability, disability or disadvantage for purposes of leisure, transport, social cohesion, health, wellbeing and protection of the environment.  This is achieved by working with local community groups, disabled people and those with barriers to employment: through cycling events and refurbishment programmes.  Get Cycling has a successful track record of working in partnership with the probation service and community payback teams in York and Scarborough to deliver work experience and training in basic bike maintenance skills for offenders. This has been funded with European money via the National Offender Management Service and with an existing grant from the Community Fund. At present they are only able to deliver non-accredited training.  This new project builds on their success by developing an accredited training programme that will award nationally recognised bike mechanics’ qualifications.

Community Neighbourhood Group Abbots Road Selby

Grant Awarded: £4,720.00

The purpose of the group is to provide positive diversionary activities for young people and in doing find solutions to increased reports of anti-social behaviour in Selby. Membership of the group are;community residents from Selby Community Engagement Forum, North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Youth and WLCT (Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust). WLCT  were the lead applicant for the funding.  Activity will centre on local facilities in the heart of the community, a local primary school, and be delivered by local people from that community. Sessions will, within reason, be based on activities wanted by young people centred on sport and crafts. For sustainability and attendance, the sessions will be run and owned by the local community.

Youth Kitchen

Grant Awarded: £10, 000

The project provides weekly cooking sessions based around healthy eating and cooking on a budget at Our Space Eastfield.  The sessions are delivered over two hours on a five week rolling programme during the school day or after school depending on the needs of the young people.  The sessions are targeted at young people identified as being at risk of exclusion, at risk of offending or who have been victims of bullying, anti-social behaviour or crime. Basic Food Hygiene and Emergency First Aid qualifications link with the cooking sessions and give vulnerable young people additional qualifications. This will extend their knowledge and understanding and hopefully enhance their employment opportunities.

The Kyra Wellbeing Project 

Grant Awarded: £9, 984

This project will refurbish the bathroom and create a ‘Wellbeing Room’ at Kyrs’s new base in the centre of York.  The project will extend the services on offer to our women and include ex-offenders to help them re-integrate. The wellbeing room will be used for: hairdressing, beauty treatments, and other complementary health therapies (aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki, etc.).  It will also be used to extend our counselling services.  The project aims to improve women’s self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image and to help them in their resilience and integration into the community.

Stonham Community Cafe

Grant Awarded: £2, 500

The community café is based in a central location in St Peter’s Church and targets the local community and vulnerable people. The café is run by volunteers who will be trained to food hygiene level two to become more employable. This  gives the community an opportunity to purchase food at an affordable, subsidised price, allowing the café to make a small profit to become self funding. It is a safe, friendly environment for all ages to access, and there will be events running within the café, for example, a knitting circle, a games session (chess/draughts/dominoes etc) to learn new skills.

STARC (safe, targeted, activities, reducing crime)

Grant Awarded: £5, 173

This project allows the young people of Knaresborough to engage in positive activities in a safe, warm and friendly environment. The sessions allow young people to engage in a variety of activities to teach them important life skills that can be transferred into everyday life. It encourages fair play, respect for rules, learning of new skills and social interaction. The project works with a variety of agencies to provide a wealth of experience and knowledge to young people who are known by the police and other agencies.

Futureworks Support Service 

Grant Awarded:  £14, 650

Futureworks support service will be available for vulnerable young people aged 14-25 who have identified extra support needs. This project will work with a minimum of 25 young people often at risk of further disengagement due to a wealth of issues such as substance misuse, family issues and homelessness as well as those in need of support with general self-esteem and confidence building.

Through the guidance of a designated mentor who will work with individual clients, the aim of the project is to provide these young people with alternative choices in order to help break the cycle of negative influences and bad decisions. Individual plans may include budget planning in order to maintain individual living, addressing issues such as isolation and loneliness through identifying and accessing local clubs or leisure facilities to participate in as well as planning on securing positive future aspirations such as college or employment. This individual, bespoke support and early intervention will look to increase individual aspirations and opportunities whilst reducing local crime and anti-social behaviour through identifying and addressing personal issues and barriers.

Engagement will be a minimum of once a week, dependant on individual needs and will continue up to a maximum of 12 months support, again as required to individual needs for a minimum of 25 clients.

Through building confidence clients will be encouraged to become involved in small group activities including creative workshops where individuals can express their emotions through artwork as well as having the opportunity to work in small groups in an informal way to help build social skills, reduce isolation and increase confidence. Outside activities including recreational sessions will be inclusive of attending local sporting facilities where young people can engage in positive activities, promoting a sense of wellbeing and encouraging further participation in the future, providing more structure for young people and reducing the likelihood of participating within negative behaviour.

York Rescue Boat 

Grant Awarded: £7, 550

York Rescue Boat is staffed by a dedicated team of volunteers trained to a high standard in boat handling, water rescue, first aid and mental health first aid. The charity serves York’s residents and visitors, in particular in relation to the night time economy, patrolling the river and its environs at high risk times. The team is a visible presence at night to be alert to and a deterrent against anti-social behaviour and crime, and regularly liaises with the Police to prevent and report such incidents.

York Rescue Boat believes and furthers education to promote river safety. Its teams actively prevent people entering the water and intervene in situations before risk to life occurs. Should the team need to intervene in a situation and provide support to a casualty, York Rescue Boat’s first aid and mental health first aid qualifications ensure that the team are well equipped to provide high quality victim care until the casualty can be handed over to the statutory emergency services. 

WHISH (Whitby Young People’s Activity Group) 

Grant Awarded: £7, 850

This project will run a year long programme of  of activities for young people aged 10 – 20 with Hidden Impairments in Whitby. It will enable young people to have a safe environment, off the streets, to socialise and learn new skills under qualified supervision and guidance.  The project will run two evenings a week and be run by a qualified Youth worker, supported by community volunteers and youth mentors. The sessions will include art & crafts, I.T.,  music and sporting activities.

Nothallerton Street Angels

Grant Awaarded: £5, 670

Nothallerton Street Angels are a team of approximately 25 volunteers from the local churches in Northallerton, coordinated by the New Life Baptist Church. Following training and Disclosure and Baring Service checks they will go out into the town on a Friday and Saturday night (approx 10pm-3am) to offer assistance to any person showing signs of vulnerability. They will patrol in groups of two or three and will also be available during community events such as the May Fair and September carnival when younger people and families will be in the town.

Vulnerabilities may be through excess drink, being separated from a group of friends or family, being homeless or suffering from some other form of crisis. The Angels will offer support, advice and practical assistance until a further service is available – police/ambulance etc.

Right to Be You 

Grant Awarded: £8, 950

Working with people who have been victims of crime or are potential victims of crime due to mental health problems, the group will help individuals to protect themselves, to boost confidence/resilience and provide practical training to stay safe on-line and in their communities. Participants are identified through existing and new partner organisations, such as NHS professionals, Job Centre Plus and other charities, enabling the group to use their expertise to identify individuals who would benefit most from this project. The project expects to support between 80 and 100 people over 12 months.

Thirsk Digital Shopwatch Radio Scheme 

Grant Awarded: £3, 141

This project enables shop and public house staff to communicate with Hambleton CCTV operators. Suitably linked radio handsets allow Thirsk businesses to contact Hambleton CCTV operators/ police when a crime takes place.

With the new digital Shopwatch service, Thirsk & District Business Association will work with Safer Hambleton and local police to recruit businesses onto the scheme, extending its benefits to our members. Improved business crime intelligence from Safer Hambleton and the police, and staff training on the use of the radios means that a new Thirsk Digital Shopwatch Radio scheme would support and protect businesses from retail crime and other offending behaviour.

Northallerton Retail & Business Forum 

Grant Awarded: £5, 419

Investment in digital radio equipment to improve communications amongst local businesses in Northallerton. There are 16 retail businesses in Northallerton that use the current Shopwatch radio scheme. Having radio handsets allows staff to contact CCTV camera operators and the police when a crime takes place, such as a theft or an aggressive or threatening customer to deal with. It has worked very well over a number of years and has helped to stop crime and have those responsible for stealing arrested and evidence produced on the town’s CCTV cameras. The existing system has reached the end of its serviceable life and is in need of replacement.


Grant Aawarded: £ 4, 638

The project will deliver 20, two part workshops highlighting the risks and effects of crime, anti-social behaviour and drug/alcohol misuse. They will also provide advice on how to stay safe. The workshops will be delivered in an engaging atmosphere, by qualified youth workers. With activities such as ‘beer goggles’ and use of the ‘demo drug box’ with group and individual tasks. The sessions will be aimed at those aged 11+ and will engage between 100 and 150 young people.

No Second Night Out 

Grant Awarded: £20, 000

Harrogate Homeless Project is the only direct access hostel within the Harrogate district and was funded in 2012 for three years to implement the No Second Night Out service within the area.  NSNO is a targeted response, the principal aim being to provide an alternative to rough sleeping. NSNO is available to those over 18 and referrals are made directly by clients, members of the public, statutory agencies (NYP, health service, Probation, Social Care, Prisons) as well as voluntary sector organisations.

In the 3 year period to 30/09/15 663 referrals were accommodated through the scheme.  Street homeless people are offered emergency shelter and undertake a comprehensive needs assessment with the Project Leader.  This leads to a sustainable offer of accommodation usually within a few days. We have established effective multi agency working, offering clients support with income/benefits, healthcare, substance misuse, and support to comply with the criminal justice system. This supports people away from criminal and anti social activity, making the community feel safer and reducing the number of potential victims of this behaviour.

Gallows Garden 

Grant Awarded: £2, 000

The project aims to transform the empty grass area around the Gallows Close Community Centre into a vibrant community garden and safe growing and learning space. The garden will be used as an outdoor extension to the Centre with activities such as food growing and then cooking, cycle repair, woodworking, outdoor crafts, bug-club nature rangers, men-in-sheds activities, outdoor play and lots of community events. The funding is to provide a secure fence around the garden, a shed/workshop and materials to build raised beds. Volunteers from the Centre would help build the garden under the supervision of Groundwork.

Have Ago 

Grant Awarded: £2, 600

This project will benefit people with learning disabilities at all levels who live in the Craven District. 20 will live in the Skipton area and 10 in the north of the district (Bentham, Ingleton, Hellifield and Settle. Users will be adults aged 16 – 65. All users will all be people who without the project would struggle to have a meaningful social life during the evenings and who can benefit from the wide range of opportunities provided from the programme. Some of these people live alone and are very vulnerable to mates and hate crime

Veloheads Cycle Academy

Grant Awarded: £8,864

Veloheads Cycle Academy provides a structured framework of training for bike mechanics and road safety training in partnership with other local organisations.  It also provides access to free use of bikes and cycling equipment by hosting the area’s Bike Library.  Users of this service include local high school students, students excluded from mainstream provision and vulnerable young adults and ex-offenders seeking work based experience and skills. Working with these groups allows the Academy to provide offenders or those who present with anti-social behaviour with the necessary tools to work productively and thus avoid offending patterns and the opportunity to play a constructive role in their community.

Mass Marketing Fraud Intervention Programme

Grant Awarded: £9,948

This programme, delivered by the City of York Council Public Protection team, works with the National Trading Standards Scams Team, to identify potential scam victims in the York area and to visit suspected victims to provide support and advice to prevent them being victims of this type of crime again. The grant provides funding for a part-time Project Officer who will visit those victims, who are mainly older, isolated individuals who may have poor physical or mental health and/or a cognitive impairment such as a form of dementia.

City Kickabout

Grant Awarded: £20,000

The City Kickabout programme is run in targeted areas of York established initially in 2014 with support from Sports England.  The community based evening sessions use a mix of football and youth work principles and runs as informal turn up and play sessions for 11-15 or 16-25 year olds. Sessions run every night of the week and aim to engage young people not taking part in more formal exercise or organised sport. The sports activity helps improve physical and mental wellbeing as well as improving self-confidence and team building.

Bus Stop!

Grant Awarded: £2,675

Bus Stop! uses a hired converted bus to provide a community space for people of all ages at different times on the Flaxley Road Estate in Selby. The project’s aim is to encourage community cohesion, empowering people in such matters as budgeting, providing a safe and fun place for young people to meet, build positive relationships and self-esteem.  The Bus Stop! day will provide 3 sessions: open aged drop in (friendship, budgeting, access to food bank/credit union, coffee and cake); parents and children after school drop in; and young people in the local school car park. The project hopes to run general sessions in the future on self-esteem, issues of drug awareness and relationship issues.

Brayton ‘Here and Now’

Grant Awarded: £7,817

The Brayton ‘Here and Now’ project, in partnership with Brayton Parish Council and the young people themselves, have identified the need to provide additional ‘teen’ facilities within the village, following problems which were occurring in the Foxhill Lane Play Area. The key feature is the development of youth facilities for older children which are age appropriate, such as a zipwire.  The idea for this particular piece of equipment came from the young people themselves. The project feels that the installation of much needed youth facilities will benefit the local community by reducing anti-social behaviour thus improving the local environment by making it a safer and less confrontational neighbourhood.