We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Asset Register – Fire service

Category Sub-Category Number Start Number End
Assets Held for Sale Fire Station Owned 0 0
Assets Held for Sale Hardware Owned 0 0
Assets Held for Sale Land Owned 0 0
Assets Under Construction Appliances Owned 2 1
Assets Under Construction Fire Station Owned 0 0
Assets Under Construction Land Owned 0 0
Assets Under Construction Software Owned 0 1
Assets Under Construction Support Owned 0 0
Assets Under Construction Transport & Logistics Thirsk 0 0
Heritage Archaeological collection 0 0
Heritage Art collection 0 0
Heritage Ceramics 0 0
Heritage Porcelain work and figurines 0 0
Heritage Pottery Machinery 0 0
Intangible Intangible 0 0
Intangible Intangible 0 0
Land & Buildings Fire Station Owned 35 35
Land & Buildings Fire Station PFI 1 1
Land & Buildings Land Leased 2 2
Land & Buildings Land Owned 34 34
Land & Buildings Land PFI 2 2
Land & Buildings Training Centre PFI 1 1
Land & Buildings Transport & Logistics 1 1
Land & Buildings Transport & Logistics Thirsk 0 0
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Appliance Leased 19 19
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Appliance Owned 38 40
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Boat Owned 2 2
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Donated 7 7
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Donated 1 1
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Donated 1 1
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Equipment Leased 2 2
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Equipment Owned 2 2
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Equipment Owned 4 4
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment H & S Owned 2 2
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Hardware Leased 0 0
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Hardware Owned 34 38
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Software Leased 3 3
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Software Owned 10 11
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Support Leased 2 2
Plant / Vehicles / Equipment Support Owned 72 79
Surplus Fire Station Owned 0 0
Surplus Land Owned 0 0
Totals – 277 291

Updated 13 December 2021