We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

2020 – 19 September – Fire IAC

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner / North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Independent Audit Committee

Meeting to be held at 11:00 on Tuesday 19 September 2020

No. Item Purpose Lead
1 Attendance and Apologies To note attendance and apologies Chair
2. Declaration of Interest Chair
3. Minutes and actions of previous meeting To discuss and agree the draft    minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 June 2020 Chair
4. Matters arising Committee to review Chair
5. Internal Audit progress Report(s) Committee to review Veritau
5a Progress report
5b Mobile Data Terminal Replacement Project
6. External Audit Completion Report Committee to Review Mazars
7. Tactical Leadership Team Update Report Committee to review JF
Information Governance
Performance Indicators
Corporate Risk Management
HMICFRS outcome action plan and progress
8. Annual Governance Statement Internal Control Environment MP
9. Final Accounts Financial Reporting MP
10. Fire Audit Committee Annual Report Internal Control Framework Chair
11. IAC Forward Planner For information Chair
12. AOB Chair
13. Dates of future meetings 15 December 2020
16 March 2021
22 June 2021 – TBC
21 September 2021 – TBC
14 December 2021 – TBC
15 March 2021- TBC
