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2016/2017 Police precept – Consultation report


The consultation comprised an independent telephone survey of North Yorkshire residents. It also included an online survey promoted via social media and the press and a leaflet survey which respondents could complete and return FREEPOST. Residents could also email their views to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The breakdown of responses was:

  • Online survey – 1,337 respondents
  • Telephone survey – 403 respondents
  • Email, telephone, leaflet return, street interviews – 12 respondents
  • TOTAL respondents – 1,752

Results of the telephone survey:

  • 73 per cent wanted to increase the precept by 1.99 per cent
  • Seven per cent wanted to increase the precept by more than two per cent
  • 20 per cent wanted to freeze the precept.

Results of the online survey:

  • 57 per cent wanted to increase the precept by 1.99 per cent
  • Five per cent wanted to increase the precept by more than two per cent
  • 38 per cent wanted to freeze the precept.