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DN 24/2021 – Malton Estate

The Commissioner has decided to approve the purchase of land in the Eden Camp development in Malton for a new joint police, ambulance and potential fire station.

DN 24/2021       Date 07/12/2021 (published) 11/01/2022 (updated) 

Malton Estate

The Commissioner has decided to approve the purchase of land in the Eden Camp development in Malton for a new joint police, ambulance and potential fire station. Approval has been given for the immediate purchase of the land for the police station which would also house the ambulance station. The purchase of additional land to accommodate the footprint for a combined police, fire and ambulance station is subject to final modelling of the impact on callout times for responding fire crews.

This DN adds to the decision recorded in DN 07/2020 and should be read alongside that.

The anticipated overall financial implications of this decision have been provided to the Commissioner in making this decision. In the interests of achieving the best commercial terms in respect of the purchase, more detailed financial parameters have not been included within this Decision Notice. An addendum to this Decision Notice will be published as soon as is practicable after the purchase is completed, setting out the financial implications of this decision.Background

DN 07/2020 sets out the decision to dispose of Malton police station and for the neighbourhood police team to move into the neighbouring council offices. The disposal would not be completed until a new station had been constructed and the move of remaining teams completed.

Phase one, the move of neighbourhood policing teams into the neighbouring council office, as set out in DN07/2020 has been completed.

A site has been identified for purchase in the Eden Camp development. This would be able to support requirements for all three bluelight services. North Yorkshire Police are committed to the move. Yorkshire Ambulance Service continue to be interested in co-location and discussions are in train to confirm their participation. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are considering the impact on firefighter turnout times based upon their local residential arrangements. New modelling indicates that this may now be a feasible option and will consider local recruitment opportunities alongside local housing as part of the modelling. Subject to final modelling due for completion in the new year, NYFRS are expected to join the collaboration.

To secure the site, it is proposed that purchase of the land to support the NYP/YAS footprint proceed immediately with an additional purchase in the new year if NYFRS confirm their involvement.

Decision Record

The Commissioner has decided to approve the purchase of land in the Eden Camp development in Malton for a new joint police, ambulance and potential fire station. Approval has been given for the immediate purchase of the land for the police station which would also house the ambulance station. The purchase of additional land to accommodate the footprint for the combined police, fire and ambulance station is subject to final modelling of the impact on callout times for responding fire crews.

Zoë Metcalfe

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire


Statutory Officer Advice

Legal, Management and Equality Implications

The Commissioner’s Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, is satisfied that this report does not ask the Commissioner to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.

Financial and Commercial

The Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the funding required to purchase the Police element of the land is affordable from the Capital reserves that the PFCC holds. It is expected that this purchase will ultimately be funded from the sale of the current Police Station in Malton and therefore this purchase is largely a cash flow transaction at this stage. The full financial impact of the proposed new build will be considered as this project develops.

The possible purchase of additional land for the development of the site to include a new Fire Station is not within the financial plans in the current year nor in 2022/23. It was however planned for 2023/24 and therefore some expenditure would be incurred ahead of time. This is unlikely to prove too problematic however and the significant savings for this co-location opportunity would be of considerable benefit to the Fire Service if this location proves operationally feasible.

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