DN 09/2018: Evolve joint legal services
Evolve joint legal services
The PCC has decided to develop joint legal services across the Evolve collaboration of North Yorkshire, Durham and Cleveland PCCs and Chief Constables.
The PCCs and Chief Constables of North Yorkshire, Durham and Cleveland have agreed to develop joint legal services through the Evolve collaboration.
Such a service would therefore absorb and replace current legal services functions within police forces, ensure that capacity is available to meet the legal services needs of the Chief Constables (i.e. the Police Forces) as well as Police and Crime Commissioners and their offices, and reduce costs to the public purse by making specialist skills available across several forces.
Further details can be found in the accompanying Evolve decision notice.
Decision Record
The PCC has decided to develop joint legal services across the Evolve collaboration of North Yorkshire, Durham and Cleveland PCCs and Chief Constables.
Julia Mulligan
Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
Statutory Officer Advice
Legal, Management and Equality Implications
The PCC’s CEO and Monitoring Officer has advised that he is satisfied that this report does not ask the PCC for North Yorkshire to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.
Financial and Commercial
The PCC’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that he is satisfied that the business case has adequately addressed relevant financial considerations.
Evolve Collaboration Agreement
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