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Decision Notices

05-2021 2021/22 Fire Budget – Medium Term Financial Plan and Associated Papers

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The Commissioner has decided to approve the financial plans for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, following a public consultation and the setting of the precept at an increase of 1.99% as set out in DN 02-2021. This concludes the 2021/22 budget process and the papers attached to this decision provide the detail of the financial plans for 2021/22 and beyond.

DN 04/2021 2021/2022 Police Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan and Associated Papers

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The Commissioner has decided to approve the financial plans for North Yorkshire Police, following a public consultation and the setting of the precept at an increase of 1.99% as set out in DN 03-2021. This concludes the 2021/22 budget process and the papers attached to this decision provide the detail of the financial plans for 2021/22 and beyond.

DN 03/2021 Police Precept 2021/22

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The Commissioner decided, after consultation with the public and after taking into account the impact of the financial settlement, the challenge in meeting the costs of delivering a significant increase in Police Officers within North Yorkshire, and in line with the Government’s policy’ and the financial needs of the Force, to propose to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel a police precept for 2021/22 of £271.06 for a Band D property within North Yorkshire. This would be an increase of 1.99% or £5.29 per annum, from the 2020/21 level. The Panel agreed with the proposal and therefore the Commissioner has set the precept at this level.

DN 02/2021 Fire and Rescue Service Precept 2021/22

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The Commissioner decided, after consultation with the public, to propose to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel a fire precept for 2021/22 of £74.14 for a Band D property within North Yorkshire. This would be an increase of 1.99% (or £1.45) per annum, from the 2020/21 level. The Panel agreed with the proposal and therefore the Commissioner has set the precept at this level.

DN 14/2020 Pateley Bridge police estate

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The Commissioner has decided, following discussions with the Chief Constable, that the local police team in Pateley Bridge will co-locate in the Harrogate Borough Council Offices on King Street opposite the police station and the police station be sold. The front counter service will remain open at the Nidderdale Plus office.